How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
Fourier, Joseph, 94
fractions, 83
Fraenkel, Adolf, 24
French Revolution, 208
Frost, Robert, 126
Fukuyama, Francis, 242
functions, xv–xvi, 97
origins of, 97
restricting the domain of, 136
ways of combining, 97

Galen, 111
Galileo, 67
Galois, Évariste, 94–95
Galois groups, 95–96
Galois theory, 94–96
game theory, 235
Gamow, George, x, 192
Gasarch, William, 166
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
alternative geometries and, 106,
107– 8, 109, 110 –11
infinite sets and, 18, 19, 247
mathematical talents of, 72–73
publication of results, attitude 
toward, 106
“Gauss trick,” 72
General Theory of Equations in Which It 
Is Shown That the Algebraic 
Solution of the General Equation of 
Degree Greater Than Four Is 
Impossible (Ruffini), 90
Geometric Investigations on the Theory of 
Parallels (Lobachevsky), 110
analytic, 35
differential, 149

Euclidean, see Euclidean geometry
hyperbolic, 24, 25, 26
non-Euclidean, discovery of, 104, 
105 –12
solid, 69
Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem, 226–27
Giuliani, Rudy, 218
Glashow, Sheldon, 36, 148
God, proofs of existence or nonexis-
tence of, 244–45
Gödel, Kurt, xv, xvii, 24, 116, 122–26
incompleteness theorem, xv, xvii, 
123–24, 151, 241
Gödel numbering, 124
Goldbach, Christian, 238
Goldbach conjecture, 122, 238
Goodstein sequence, 130
Goodstein’s theorem, 129, 130, 240
Gore, Al, 216
Gould, Stephen Jay, 217
graph coloring problem, 164 –65
gravitation, 36, 137–38, 148, 188
leaking of gravitational force into 
other dimensions, 189
local decreases in entropy, 190 –91
Newton’s law of, 31, 32, 34, 76, 
143 – 4 4, 145, 150
quantum theory of, 146
theory of relativity, see relativity, 
theory of
gravitons, 145–46, 150
great problems, see unsolvable and 
great problems
Greece, ancient, 13, 67–72, 74, 76
Euclidean geometry, see Euclidean 
Greene, Brian, x, 189
Gross, David, 148
group(s), 94
commutative, 92–93

254 Index

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