How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
group(s) (cont'd)
isomorphism, 99
properties used to define, 
set of all shuff les of a deck of cards
as a, 91–93
subgroups, 92
group theory, 98, 99

Halley, Edmond, 106
halting problem, 125–27, 174
unsolvability of, 125–27
Hamilton, Alexander, 228
Hamilton method (method of largest
fractions), 228–33
Hardy, G. H., xvi, 33
Hawking, Stephen, xx, 197
Hawking radiation, 197
Hayes, Rutherford B., 228
head-to-head matchups to determine 
winner in rank-order voting, 211,
heat death of the universe, 190
heat energy, 187
Hegel, Georg, 243
Heinlein, Robert, 242
Heisenberg, Werner, xv, xvii, 37, 55–58,
Helfant, Richard, xi
heptadecagon, 73
Hermite, Charles, 75
hidden patterns, xviii
hidden variables, 61
Bell’s theorem, 61–62
Higgs particle, 36, 142
Hilbert, David, xvii, 21, 116–17, 122,
123, 241
basic theorem, 122

Hilbert’s Hotel and infinite sets, 16,
17, 19–20
on transfinite arithmetic, 19
twenty-three critical mathematical
problems, 117
Hitler, Adolf, 46
holography, 197–99
the blind holographer, 199
homology groups, 35
homotopy groups, 35
Hooke, Robert, 106
Hooke’s law, 180
Hope, Henry Francis, 81
Hope, Henry Thomas, 81
Hope Diamond, 81–82
Hotelling, Harold, 214
House of Representatives, U.S., 
elections for, 227–28
Alabama paradox, 228–31
Balinski-Young theorem, 233–34
Hamilton method, 228–33
Huntington-Hill method, 233, 235
new states paradox, 232–33, 235
population paradox, 231–32
Huntington-Hill method, 233, 235
Hussein, Saddam, 218
Huygens, Christian, 47
hyberbolic geometry, 24, 25, 26, 108,
hydrogen atom, spectrum of, 45
hyperbola, 70
hypergeometric functions, 97

icosahedron, 99
idealizations, mathematical concepts 
as, 136
identity element, 91–92
Illinois House of Representatives, 207

Index 255 
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