How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
Tilden, Samuel, 228
Time, 143 
topology, 35, 198, 199
tractable problems, 159, 162
tractrix, 112
transcendental numbers, 74–75, 173,
“Transgressing the Boundaries: 
Towards a Transformative 
Hermeneutics of Quantum 
Gravity,” 185
transistor, development of the, 179
transitivity, 210, 218
traveling salesman problem, 159–62, 
163, 240 –41, 241
trigonemetric functions, 97
trisecting the angle, 71, 73
Galois theory and, 95
true-false tables, logic of, see proposi-
tional logic
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 208
Turing, Alan, 125, 174
Twelfth Amendment to the Constitu-
tion, 205–6
typhoid fever, 69

ultraviolet catastrophe, 9, 44, 45, 46
uncertainty principle, xv, xvii, 37, 
55 –58, 241
consequences of, 57
undecidable propositions, 123, 127, 
unified field theory, xix, 147, 148
-as-hologram theory, 197–99
four-dimensional, 144
geometry of the, 144 –45
infinity in the, 138

raw materials of the, 186
three-dimensional, 150
University of Berlin, 19
University of California, Berkeley, 163
University of Halle, 19
University of Southern California, 167
unprovable statements, 124
unsolvable and great problems, xiv, xv, 
8 –9, 239, 240, 247
chessboard example, xvii–xviii, 240
leading to unexpected connections 
between mathematics and other 
areas, 76
surprising developments resulting 
from working on, xix, 63, 69–70, 
75–76, 219–20
see also specific problems

Van Gogh, Vincent, 19
Vesalius, 111
vocabulary of mathematics, 170
von Lindemann, Ferdinand, 74–75, 116
vote tabulation methods, 205–20, 
223–35, 240
Arrow’s theorem, see Arrow’s theorem
Condorcet paradox, 209, 210, 211, 218
Electoral College, 205–7
insincere voting and, see insincere
preference intensity method, 207
rank-order voting, see rank-order

Wantzel, Pierre, 73–74
Washington, George, 228
Washington Redskins, 8

Index 263 
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