How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1

  1. J. Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (Boston: Little, Brown, 1973), p. 336.

  2. See http:// en .wikipedia .org/ wiki/ Schr %C3 %B6dinger %27s _cat. Physics is re-
    plete with tremendously provocative thought experiments. This site has a pretty
    thorough discussion.

  3. R. Hillmer and P. Kwiat, “A Do-It-Yourself Quantum Eraser,” Scientific Ameri-
    can, May 2007. However, if in building this you accidentally erase the entire
    universe, neither I nor the publisher can be sued.

  4. See http:// en .wikipedia .org/ wiki/ Uncertainty _Principle. This site has a good
    derivation if you know linear algebra and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality; this is
    usually upper-division mathematics and physics.

  5. W. Heisenberg, The physical principles of the quantum theory (Chicago: University
    of Chicago Press, 1930).

  6. A fictitious town, invented by Garrison Keillor and described on his National
    Public Radio show, A Prairie Home Companion, as a town where “the women are
    strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.” The
    Lake Wobegon effect, in which everyone claims to be above average, has been
    observed in automobile drivers and college students (in estimating their mathe-
    matical abilities).

  7. Remarkably, though, surveys have shown that a far greater proportion of wives
    complete their husbands’ sentences than vice versa.

  8. See wiki/ EPR_experiment. This is an excellent site, and
    also has material on Bell’s inequality, thus saving me a search.

  9. See http:// www .drchinese .com/ David/ EPR_Bell _Aspect .htm. If, as the TV
    show Mr. Ed put it, you want to go “right to the source and ask the horse,” this
    site enables you to download in PDF format the Big Three papers in this area
    (the EPR experiment, Bell’s theorem, and the Aspect experiment). All three ba-
    sically require high-level degrees, but if you want to see the original versions,
    here they are. It also has photos of the three main protagonists—you might mis-
    take Geraldo Rivera for Alain Aspect.

  10. See http:// www .quotationspage .com/ quote/ 27537 .html.

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