Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1
Primate Evolution 167

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Section 16.3 Human Ancestry (continued)

The Homo Genus
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Identify the correct species from the list below for each of the
following characteristics.

  • H. habilis • H. erectus • H. heidelbergensis

  • H. ergaster • H. floresiensis • H. neanderthalensis

Characteristic Homo Species
Evidence suggests they cared for their
sick and buried their dead
More versatile than predecessors; adapted
successfully to a variety of environments
First undisputed member of the Homo
Nicknamed “The Hobbit” because of its
small size
Larger and more heavily muscled than
modern humans
Believed to have had the first human nose
(nostrils facing downward)
Classification for various transitional
fossils that display a mosaic of H. ergaster
and H. sapiens traits
Name means “handy man” because of
association with primitive stone tools
Probably evolved from H. erectus or a
Homo intermediary
First African Homo species to migrate in
large numbers to Asia and Europe
Serves as evidence that H. erectus or some
other ancient hominin species remained
on Earth until 12,000 years ago

Identify a Homo species that scientists hypothesize to be a human
ancestor, based on features shared with modern humans.

Identify a Homo species that scientists believe was not a human
ancestor, based on DNA tests on fossil bones.
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