Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Plant Structure and Function 229

Plant Structure and Function
Section 22.2 Roots, Stems, and Leaves

Skim Section 2 of the chapter. For each structure below, list two




Use your book or dictionar y to define apical meristem.

Write the correct term in the left column for each definition below.

layer of cells just within the endodermis that gives rise to
lateral roots

single layer of cells that forms a waterproof seal around a root’s
vascular tissue

column-shaped cells that contain many chloroplasts; most
photosynthesis takes place here

loss of water through stomata

tough, protective layer of parenchyma cells that covers the tip of
a root

layer of ground tissue in the root that is involved in the transport
of water

stalk that joins the leaf blade to the stem

layer of irregularly shaped, loosely packed cells through which
oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor move


apical meristem

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