Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates 279

Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates

Before You Read

Write what you know or stories you have heard about sea stars, sea urchins, and other
spiny sea creatures.

Science Journal

Before you read the chapter, respond to these statements.

  1. Write an A if you agree with the statement.

  2. Write a D if you disagree with the statement.

Before You Read Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates After You Read

  • A sea star can make its stomach come
    out of its mouth.

  • Many echinoderms can regrow lost body

  • A lancelet’s body organs are visible
    through its skin.

  • A tunicate is called a sea squirt because
    it is the smallest creature in the sea.

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