Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Animal Behavior 317


Animal Behavior
Section 31.2 Ecological Behaviors

Skim Section 2 of the chapter. Write three questions that come to
mind from reading the headings and illustration captions.




Use your book or dictionar y to define colony.

Write the correct vocabular y term in the left column for each
definition below.

threatening or combative interaction between two individuals of the
same species

ranking within a group, in which a top-ranked animal gets access to
resources without conflict from others in the group

attempt to adopt and control a physical area over other animals of
the same species

finding and eating food

moving long distances seasonally to new locations

cycle that occurs daily

auditory communication in which animals use vocal organs to
produce groups of sounds that have shared meanings

behavior designed to attract a mate

parental care of offspring in early stages of development

action that benefits another individual at a cost to the actor


Main Idea Details

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