Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

324 Integumentar y, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems

Functions of the
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Damage to
the Skin
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on page.

Organize information about the four functions of skin.

Functions of Skin

Sequence the steps that occur during skin healing.

A scab forms on the skin to
close the wound.

The skin receives a cut that

White blood cells move in
to fight infection.

Cells beneath the scab
multiply and fill the wound.

Blood flows out of the
wound and a clot forms.

Section 32.1 The Integumentary System (continued)

Main Idea Details

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Your skin changes as you age. Describe some things you can do
to protect your skin so that it can better protect your body.


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