Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Chemistr y in Biology 61

Section 6.4 The Building Blocks of Life (continued)

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on page.

Evaluate the number of molecules of each element in the
carbohydrate described by the formula below.

(CH 2 O) 6

Carbon: Hydrogen: Oxygen:
Ratio of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen:
Type of carbohydrate:

Model the two general shapes of proteins named below.

Pleat Helix

Describe nucleic acids by filling in the following chart.

Units that Make Up Nucleotides

Function of DNA: Function of RNA:

Identify two examples of foods that contain high amounts of
each of the following macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. If you need
help, read food labels.


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