(Tina Sui) #1


We love sharing, teaching and giving world-wide, and you
can share this love by being a partner and sharing The Bragg
Health Crusades message. We are dedicated with a passion to
help others! We feel blessed when you and your family's lives
improve through following our teachings from the Bragg
Health Books and The Bragg Crusades. It makes our years of
faithful service so worthwhile! We will keep sharing, and please
do write us how our teachings have helped you.
The Miracle of Fasting book has been the #1 Health book for
15 years in Russia and now in Bulgaria! Why? Because we
show them how to live a healthy, wholesome life for less
money, and it's so easy to understand and follow. Most
healthful lifestyle habits are free (good posture, clean
thoughts, simple natural food, exercise and deep breathing,
promote energy and health into the body). We continue to
reach the multitudes worldwide with our health books and
teachings, lectures, crusades, radio and TV outreaches.
My joy and priorities come from God, Mother Nature and
healthy living. I love being a health crusader and spreading
health worldwide, for now it’s needed more than ever! My
father and I also pioneered Health TV with our program
“Health and Happiness” from Hollywood. Yes – it’s thrilling
to be a Health Crusader and you will enjoy it also. See back
pages to list names (yourself, family and friends) who you feel
would benefit from receiving our free Health Bulletins!
By reading Bragg Self-Health Books you gain a new
confidence that you can help yourself, family and friends
to The Bragg Healthy Principles of Living! Please call your
local book stores and health stores and ask for the Bragg
Health Books. Prayerfully, we hope to have all stores stock
the Bragg Books. We do keep prices as low as possible so they
will be affordable and available for everyone to learn to live
and enjoy a healthier, happier and longer life!
With Blessings of Health, Peace and Love,

BRAGG HEALTH CRUSADES, America's Health Pioneers
Keep Bragg Health Crusades “Crusading” with your tax deductible donations.
7340 Hollister Ave., Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA (805) 968-
Spreading health worldwide since 1912

Teaching People Worldwide to Live Healthy,
Happy, Stronger, Longer Lives for a Better World


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