(Tina Sui) #1

The Bragg Toxicless Diet,

Body Purification and Healing System

This Course of Life Instruction is for those who want
to learn how to improve, maintain and extend their
health and live to a healthy 120 years! Millions
worldwide have benefited and achieved Super Health
from the message spread by my father and I. Now it’s
your turn to get started with The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle!

We are Health Crusading Pioneers and our passion is
sharing health with you, our readers and health friends!
Soon after you start, the benefits from our health teachings
will become amazingly apparent in your life and you will
begin enjoying all of their wonder-working miracles!

This mind-opening, life-changing book helps you
find and draw upon your body’s own natural resources
of health, energy and youthfulness! It teaches you to
free yourself from the health wreckers that are destroying
your health! It shows you how to flush out the toxins
that cause most health problems. It also helps you
eliminate stress, strain, tension and fatigue. Best of all,
it helps you develop sparkling new supplies of health,
zest and energy for a long, happy and fulfilled life!

The Bible promises us 120 years and with faith and
strict observance of God’s Eternal Health Laws we can
make His promise good! “The Lord helps those who help
themselves!” There is no reason why after reading this
book, with your new understanding of how to live The
Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, that you can’t live a longer,
happier, healthier life, even up to 120 years and more!

Your days shall be 120 years. – Genesis 6:

Bragg Healthy Lifestyle

Vital Living to 120

There is no biological reason why human beings should not reach the age of 150.

  • Dr. Alexis Carrel, Pioneer Scientist, The Rockefeller Institute

Chapter 1

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