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These are just a few of the thousands of testimonials we
receive yearly, praising The Bragg Health Books for the
rejuvenation benefits they reap – physically, mentally and
spiritually. We look forward to hearing from you also.

Thanks to the Bragg Health Books, they were our
introduction to healthy living. We are very grateful to you
and your father. – Marilyn Diamond, Co-Author, Fit For Life.

The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle with Fasting has changed
my life! I lost weight and my energy levels went through
the roof. I look forward to my fasting days. I think better
and am a better husband and father. Thank you Patricia,
this has been a great blessing in my life. Also, we enjoyed
your important health sharing at our “AOL” Conference.

  • Byron H. Elton, VP Entertainment, Time Warner AOL

Thank you Patricia for our first meeting in London in 1968.
You gave me your Fasting Book, it got me exercising, brisk
walking and eating more wisely. You were a blessing God-sent.

  • Rev. Billy Graham

When I was a young gymnastics coach at Stanford
University, Paul Bragg's words and example inspired me
to live a healthy lifestyle. I was twenty-three then; now
I'm nearly sixty, and my own health and fitness serves
as a living testimonial to Bragg's wisdom, carried on by
his daughter, Patricia Bragg.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bragg Books were my conversion to the healthy way.

  • James F. Balch M.D.,
    Co-Author "Prescription for Nutritional Healing"

Miraculous Testimonials for

The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle

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