(Tina Sui) #1
How I beat cancer, obesity, diabetes, strep and three
herniated disks and excruciating pain? The answer was changing
to the Bragg's Healthy Lifestyle Program! It changed and saved
my life! I had full recovery and also lost over 70 lbs. I received a
new life and that is just the beginning because my manhood
returned that was lost to diabetes – now that's exciting! On my
trip to Honolulu, Hawaii I visited the famous free Bragg Exercise
Class at Waikiki Beach. I became so regenerated with a wonderful
new viewpoint towards living my healthy lifestyle that I now
live in Hawaii. I'm invigorated with new energy. My new purpose
for living is to help others reclaim their health rights! I also want
the world to join The Bragg Health Crusade. I am deeply thankful
Paul and Patricia for my new healthy life!

  • Len Schneider, Honolulu, Hawaii

Praises for The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle

We get letters daily at our Santa Barbara headquarters.
We would love to receive a testimonial from you on any bless-
ings, healings and changes you experienced after following The
Bragg Healthy Lifestyle and Fasting. It’s all within your grasp
to be in top health. By following this book, you can reap Super
Health and a happy, long, vital life! It’s never too late to begin.
Read the study (page 122) they did with people in their 80s and
90s and the amazing results that were obtained. Receive miracles
with natural nutrition, exercise and fasting! Start now!

Daily our prayers & love go out to you, your heart, mind & soul.

3 John 2 Genesis 6:

Miracles can happen every day through guidance and prayer! – Patricia Bragg

Thank you Paul and Patricia Bragg for my simple,
easy to follow Health Program. You make my day!

  • Clint Eastwood, Bragg follower for 49 years

See more Praises – pages 146 – 148
Free download pdf