96 Cocaine
Candy, Nose Powder, Nose Stuff, Nuggets, Number 3, 151, Onion (quantity),
Oyster Stew, Paradise, Paradise White, Parlay, Paste, Patico, Pearl, Pebbles, Pee
Wee, Percia, Perico, Peruvian, Peruvian Flake, Peruvian Lady, P-Funk (crack
cocaine mixed withPCP), Piece, Piedra, Piles, Pimp, Pimp’s Drug, Pipero, Polvo
Blanco, Pony, Potato Chips, Powder, Powder Diamonds, Press, Prime Time,
Primo, Product, Quill, Racehorse Charley, Rane, Raw, Ready Rock, Red Caps,
Regular P, Rest in Peace, Roca, Rock, Rock Attack, Rocks of Hell, Rooster, Rox,
Roxanne, Roz, Rush, Schmeck, Schoolboy, Schoolcraft, Scorpion, Scottie,
Scotty, Scrabble, Scramble, Scruples, Serpico 21, 7-Up, Shabu, She, Sherm,
Sightball, Slab, Sleet, Sleigh Ride, Smoke, Smoking Gun (with heroin), Snowball
(with heroin), Snow Bird, Snowcone, Snow Seals (with amphetamine), Snow
White, Society High, Soda, Space Base (crack mixed with PCP), Space Cadet
(crack with PCP), Space Dust (crack with PCP), Speed, Speedball (with heroin),
Speedboat (crack with PCP and marijuana), Square Time Bob, Squirrel (crack
with PCP and marijuana), Star, Star Dust, Star-Spangled Powder, Stones, Studio
Fuel, Sugar, Sugar Block, Sweet Stuff, Swell Up, T, Talco, Tardust, Teenager,
Teeth, Tension, Thing, Tissue, Toot, Top Gun, Topo, Tornado, Toss Up, Tragic
Magic (crack with PCP), Trails, Troop, Turkey, Tweaks, 24–7, 20 Rock, Ultimate,
Wave, Whack, White Ball, White Dragon, White Ghost, White Girl, White
Horse, White Lady, White Mosquito, White Powder, White Sugar, White Tor-
nado, Whiz Bang, Wicky Stick (crack with marijuana and PCP), Wild Cat (with
methcathinone), Wings, Witch, Wooly (crack with marijuana), Wrecking Crew,
Yahoo, Yale, Yayoo, Yeaho, Yeah-O, Yeyo, Yimyom, Zip
Type:Stimulant (cocaine class).Seepage 17
Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule II (DEA no. 9041)
USA Availability:Prescription
Pregnancy Category:C
Uses.The drug was first isolated fromcocaplants in the mid-1800s. Cocaine
apparently functions as an insecticide in the plants, but the substance has had
no commercial agricultural use for that purpose. Early medical applications
included administration to treat addiction toalcoholand opiates, but persons
addicted to those drugs did not better on cocaine. Like many stimulants, co-
caine has anorectic (weight-reducing) properties that decline as usage stretches
over time; but the drug’s main medical use has been as a local anesthetic,
particularly in ear, nose, and mouth surgery. Experimental use as an antide-
pressant has been unsuccessful. Cocaine has been used to treat tonsillitis, ear-
ache, toothache, burns, skin rash, hay fever, asthma, hemorrhoids, nerve pain,
nausea, and vomiting. It makes the body’s immune system more active. For
medical purposes cocaine has been largely superseded by drugs having less
potential for abuse, but it is still called an excellent anesthetic for nose and
throat surgery, has been used for gynecological surgery in modern times, and
still has ophthalmological use as eye drops, although the latter employment
must be cautious in order to prevent corneal damage. Due to hazards of co-
caine injections, since the 1920s medical usage of cocaine has been largely
limited to topical (applying it directly to a body surface).