The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:125-73-5

Type:Depressant (opioid class).Seepage 24

Federal Schedule Listing:Unlisted

Uses.This substance is closely related tolevorphanoland can produce a
false positive for levorphanol in drug screen tests. The human body will trans-
form part of adextromethorphandose into dextrorphan. The same trans-
formation occurs in rats; when comparing results in males and females,
researchers found that a given amount of dextrorphan lasts twice as long in
female rats.
Dextrorphan can fight coughs and reduce epileptic seizures, although test
results differ about how well it diminishes seizures. Mice research has found
that the drug helps mice recover from strokes, and in humans the drug ap-
pears useful for treating minor strokes. Some research indicates that the sub-
stance has potential for treating various human neurological afflictions, but
such potential has yet to be fulfilled. A rat experiment found dextrorphan
ineffective in preventing brain damage caused by the chemical warfare agent
soman. A rat study testing dextrorphan’s potential as an antidote formeth-
cathinonepoisoning had limited success.
Drawbacks.Unwanted side effects may include nausea, vomiting, sleepi-
ness, high or low blood pressure, uncontrollable eye movement, and halluci-
nations. Rat experiments show that high enough does can impair memory and
learning. When one group of researchers tested dextrorphan’s ability to pre-
vent some types of brain damage, the scientists found instead that dextror-
phan caused damage in rats.
Abuse factors.At one time dextrorphan was a Schedule I substance, but
eventually it was removed from any schedule of controlled substances. Such
a journey is most unusual; assorted drugs have been moved from one schedule
to another over the years, but the direction is almost always to put the drugs
under more controls rather than fewer. Scientists describe dextrorphan as pro-
ducing effects similar toPCP. At sufficiently high levels, dextrorphan can
make people feel as if they are intoxicated withalcohol.
Drug interactions.Dextrorphan has reducedcocaineeffects in mice.
Cancer.Not enough scientific information to report.
Pregnancy.After male mice received dextrorphan in an experiment, they

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