The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:467-83-4

Formal Names:Diconal, Piperidyl-Methadone, Wellconal

Type:Depressant (opioid class).Seepage 24

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule I (DEA no. 9622)

USA Availability:Illegal to possess

Pregnancy Category:None

Uses.Actions of this drug are similar to those ofmorphine. Dipipanone has
no officially approved medical usage in the United States, but elsewhere it is
used as a powerful pain reliever for conditions such as surgery and cancer.
Some cancer patients prefer this drug for pain control. The compound can
control coughs.
Drawbacks.Persons are supposed to avoid the drug if they suffer from low
thyroid activity or enlarged prostate. Dipipanone can make people sleepy, and
users are supposed to be cautioned about operating dangerous machinery.
Volunteers in one experiment experienced lower alertness after taking dipi-
panone, but other experiments found the substance to lack sedative action.
Study does show that sedation can occur when dipipanone is given together
with the antihistamine triprolidine. Dipipanone can cause headache, tremors,
nausea, and vomiting, impair vision, interfere with breathing, make urination
difficult, lower blood pressure, and reduce production of saliva. Seizures have
been reported. Euphoria may occur. A case study notes delusions and hallu-
cinations caused by the drug. Paranoia has occurred occasionally. A case re-
port tells of serious colon difficulty occurring after someone injected three
dissolved oral Diconal tablets, a combination product containing dipipanone
and the antivomiting drug cyclizine, accompanied by drinking three liters of
beer. Even in ordinary medical use, however, dipipanone can cause consti-
pation and is supposed to be used cautiously if a person has bowel obstruc-
Abuse factors.Dipipanone is related tomethadoneand can be substituted
for assorted opioids. That property gave dipipanone a role in addiction treat-
ment programs seeking to switch addicts to dipipanone. Tolerance and de-
pendence can occur. Reportedly drug abusers find dipipanone more potent
thanheroin, and in combination with cyclizine, dipipanone reportedly can

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