The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:29975-16-4

Formal Names:ProSom

Type:Depressant (benzodiazepine class).Seepage 21

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule IV (DEA no. 2756)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:X

Uses.Estazolam’s main medical uses are for relaxing muscles, fighting con-
vulsions, and inducing sleep. The compound can also reduce anxiety in in-
somniacs but is not intended for long-term use against insomnia. Estazolam
has been used successfully to treat auditory hallucinations and to improve the
general mental state of schizophrenics. The drug is considered more potent
than diazepam. Insomnia studies show estazolam to be about 15 times
stronger thanflurazepam.
Drawbacks. Estazolam may, at inappropriate times, make people light-
headed or sleepy and interfere with movement. Constipation and dry mouth
are common. Even at high doses the drug’s hindrance of respiration is of no
concern in persons who breathe normally but might be troublesome for per-
sons who have impaired breathing—although experimental results have been
reassuring even for that population. A rebound effect can occur when people
stop taking the drug for insomnia, meaning that sleep disturbance temporarily
becomes worse than it was before treatment. In one study the most common
adverse effect was feeling tired the day after using the drug. Other volunteers
have experienced lower mental acuity and pulse rate 10 hours after taking the
drug, even after getting a good night’s sleep.
Abuse factors.Withdrawal symptoms are usually minor if a person takes
estazolam long enough to produce dependence, but unusual reports exist of
delirium and dangerous seizures during withdrawal.
Drug interactions.Estazolam actions can be boosted byalcohol, barbitu-
rates, opiates, antihistamines, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs—
found in some antidepressants). Cigarette smoking can shorten the time that
an estazolam dose lasts.
Cancer.Long-term experiments with rats and mice found no sign that es-
tazolam causes cancer. Potential for causing human cancer is unknown.

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