Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:965-90-2
Formal Names:Duraboral, Maxibolin, Orabolin, Orgabolin
Type:Anabolic steroid.Seepage 24
Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule III (DEA control no. 4000)
USA Availability:Prescription
Uses.Researchers have given the substance to children who needed im-
provement in appetite. In places where the drug is illegal for agricultural use,
some stockmen occasionally use it illegally to promote cattle growth.
Ethylestrenol has been used to help normalize blood disorders, including
low white blood cell levels caused by leukopenia and conditions involving
unwanted blood clotting. Experiments indicate that heart attack patients may
gain particular benefit from blood actions of the drug. It has also worked as
an experimental treatment for hemophilia. The drug can reduce purpura (pur-
ple blotches caused by blood leaking just below the skin). Ethylestrenol has
been used experimentally to treat frostbite, and case reports note success in
using ethylestrenol to help treat a painful ulcerative skin disease called livedo
vasculitis and another called atrophie blanche, but experiments with a similar
affliction had mixed results. Persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and
from Raynaud’s disease, an ailment involving poor blood circulation in fingers
and toes, have improved while taking ethylestrenol. The drug has also been
used to treat Behcet’s syndrome, another disease involving problems in blood
circulation. Mice experiments using ethylestrenol show limited success in
treating symptoms of the skin disease lupus erythematosus and also Sjo ̈ gren’s
syndrome, an immune system disease that includes destruction of the salivary
glands and sweat glands.
Drawbacks.Among anabolic steroids ethylestrenol is considered to have
few masculinizing effects, and it also helps maintain normal functioning of
female organs. Nonetheless, in women the drug can cause acne, increase facial
hair, and produce hoarseness that can transform into permanent deepening
of the voice. The substance can bring on premature sexual development in
boys and girls. In sexually mature females ethylestrenol can disrupt or even
halt menstrual periods. Men can become less fertile. The substance promotes
fluid and salt retention, which can aggravate assorted medical conditions. The