The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:437-38-7. (Citrate form 990-73-8)

Formal Names:Actiq, Alfenta, Alfentanil, Duragesic, Durogesic, Innovar, Subli-
maze, Sufenta, Sufentanil

Informal Names:Apache, Bear, China, China Girl, China Town, China White,
Dance Fever, Fen, Friend, Goodfellas, Great Bear, He Man, Jackpot, King Ivory,
Murder, Murder 8, Persian White, Poison, Synthetic Heroin, Tango & Cash, TNT

Type:Depressant (opioid class).Seepage 24

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule II (DEA no. 9801)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:C

Uses.Developed in Europe during the 1950s, this drug became available for
medical use in the United States during the 1960s. It is also used in veterinary
medicine, especially with cats. Depending on means of administration (injec-
tion, oral) fentanyl can be 10 times stronger thanmorphine, and fentanyl
citrate can be 8 to 100 times stronger. One report claims fentanyl is 40 times
stronger thanheroin.
Relieving cancer pain is a standard use for fentanyl. With cancer, the drug
is normally given only when a patient is dying and unable to experience
enough pain control from other opioids. Fentanyl does not necessarily reduce
the amount of pain per se but can make people less aware of discomfort. The
substance also has sedative actions and suppresses coughs. The drug has been
used to help treat tetanus. Fentanyl can alter a person’s spirits, making some-
one euphoric or provoking an opposite feeling of sadness and discontent. One
dosage format is the fentanyl patch, allowing the drug to be absorbed through
the skin.
Drawbacks.Patches are potent enough in themselves, but a case report tells
of one drug abuser who decided to heat a patch and inhale the vapor; he
instantly lost consciousness, but prompt attention by skilled medical personnel
saved his life.
Fentanyl may cause serious and even fatal breathing difficulty, and this
problem can still arise after the drug’s action has apparently lifted. Risk of
that unwanted effect is heightened among “opioid naive” patients who have
not developed tolerance to pain relief from other opioids; so because of the

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