The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:77-21-4

Formal Names:Doriden, Elrodorm, Noxyron

Informal Names:CB, CD, Ciba, D, Glue, Goofballs, Goofers.Withcodeine: Doors
& 4s, Dors & 4s, 4 Doors, G & C, Hits, Loads, Packets, Pancakes & Syrup, Sets,
Setups, 3s & 8s

Type:Depressant.Seepage 19

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule II (DEA no. 2550)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:C

Uses.The substance became available in the 1950s as an alternative to bar-
biturates. As a medicine this drug is mainly used to calm people and make
them sleepy. It has also been used to help prevent jaundice in newborns and
to reduce muscle tremors in adults. Glutethimide intoxication has been likened
to that fromalcoholor barbiturates.
Drawbacks.Glutethimide can have a rebound effect, meaning that if a per-
son is taking the drug to combat anxiety or insomnia and stops taking it, those
conditions can temporarily become worse than before. One study found that
after several months the drug’s ability to induce sleep deteriorates so badly
that users have more trouble falling asleep than insomniacs who don’t use
any sleep-inducing drug.
A test of the drug’s influence on mental ability found little effect, but to-
bacco smokers seemed to be affected more than nonsmokers. A test of skills
related to automobile driving found little influence from glutethimide. The
drug produced inconsistent results in another experiment measuring alertness,
reaction time, and decision making. Those tests, however, involve normal
doses during relatively brief time spans. Generally people are advised to be-
come aware of how the drug affects them before attempting to run dangerous
machinery. Long-term heavy abuse can reduce mental skills in ways that re-
semble organic brain damage. Animal experiments suggest that the substance
may worsen porphyria, a body chemistry disorder that can make a person
violent. The drug can aggravate urinary tract blockage and should be used
cautiously by persons with enlarged prostate. Eyesight difficulty and dry
mouth are among typical unwanted effects.

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