The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1


Pronunciation:HAIR-oh-in (also pronounced HEAR-oh-in)

Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:561-27-3

Formal Names:Acetomorphine, Diacetylmorphine, Diamorphine

Informal Names:Agua de Chango, AIP, Al Capone, Alquitran, Alquitranat, Am-
sterdam Marble, Antifreeze, Aries, Aunt Hazel, Bad Seed, Ball, Ballot, Bart Simp-
son, Beast, Big H, Big Harry, Birdie Powder, Black Pearl, Black Stuff, Black Tar,
Blanca, Blanco, Blows, Blue Bag, Blunt, Bomb, Bombido, Bombita, Bombs
Away, Bonita, Boy, Bozo, Brain Damage, Brea, Brick Gum, Broja, Brown,
Brown Crystal, Brown Marijuana, Brown Rhine, Brown Sugar, Brown Tape,
Bundle, Butu, Caballo, Caca, Calbo, Canade, Cap, Capital H, Carga, Carne,
Chapopote, Charley, Chatarra, Cheese, Chicle, Chieva, China Cat, China White,
Chinese Red, Chip, Chiva, Climax, Cocofan, Coffee, Cotics, Courage Pills,
Crank, Crap, Crop, Crown Crap, Cura, Cut-Deck, Dava, Dead on Arrival, Deck
(quantity), Deuce, Diesel, Dirt, DOA, Dog Food, Dogie, Doogie, Dooje, Doo-
jee, Dooley, Dope, Dreck, Dr. Feelgood, Dugie, Duji, Dujie, Dust, Dyno, Dyno-
Pure, Eighth, Estuffa, Ferry Dust, Flea Powder, Foil, Foo Foo Stuff, Foolish
Powder, Fry Daddy (with crack), Furra, Galloping Horse, Gallup, Gamot, Gar-
bage, Gato, George, Georgia Smack, Girl, Glacines, Glass, Gold, Golden Girl,
Golpe, Goma, Good, Good & Plenty, Good H, Good Horse, Goofball (com-
bination withcocaine), Gravy, H, H & C (with cocaine), H-Bomb (withMDMA),
Hache, H Caps, Hairy, Hard, Hard Candy, Hard Stuff, Harry, Hazel, Heaven,
Heaven Dust, Helen, Hell Dust, Henry, Hera, Hero, Heroina, Herone, Hero of
the Underworld, Hessle, Him, Hombre, Hong-Yen, Horse, Horsebite, Hot
Dope, HRN, Indian Pink, Iroini, Isda, Jee Gee, Jee Jee, Jerry Springer, Jive, Jive
Doo Jee, Joharito, Jojee, Jones, Joy, Joy Flakes, Joy Powder, Junco, Junk, Kabayo,
Karachi (withmethaqualoneandphenobarbital), Kompot, La Buena, LBJ, Lem-
onade, Little Bomb, Load (quantity), Malaysian Pink, Manteca, Matsakow,
Mayo, Mexican, Mexican Brown, Mexican Horse, Mexican Mud, Mojo, Mon-
key Water, Moonrock (with crack cocaine), Morotgara, Mortal Combat, Mud,
Murder 1 (with cocaine), Murotugora, Muzzle, Nanoo, New Jack Swing (with
morphine), Nice & Easy, Noise, Nose, Nose Drops, Number 8, Number 4, Num-
ber 3, Nurse, Ogoy, Oil, Old Steve, Orange Line, Pack, Pangonadalot, Para-
chute (alone or with crack), P-Dope, Peg, Penang Pink, Perfect High, Perica,
Perico, Persian, Persian Brown, P-Funk, Piedra, Poison, Polvo, Poppy, Powder,
Predator, Preza, Primo (with cocaine), Pulborn, Punk Rocker (with assorted
other substances), Pure, Quill, Racehorse Charlie, Ragweed, Rambo, Rane, Raw

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