The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1
Heroin 197

Intoxicant Use(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984): 157, 162; N.E. Zinberg and
R.C. Jacobson, “The Natural History of ‘Chipping,’ ”American Journal of Psychiatry 133
(1976): 38; N.E. Zinberg and D.C. Lewis, “Narcotic Usage: I. A Spectrum of a Difficult
Medical Problem,”New England Journal of Medicine270 (1964): 989, 992.

  1. J.B. Bakalar and L. Grinspoon,Drug Control in a Free Society(Cambridge: Cam-
    bridge University Press, 1984), 47, 58, 135, 144; D.J. Bellis,Heroin and Politicians: The
    Failure of Public Policy to Control Addiction in America(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
    1981), 25, 134, 210, 223; Biernacki,Pathways, 27, 43–44, 52, 95, 97, 99, 124–25, 161, 179,
    226–28, 231; P.H. Blachly,Seduction: A Conceptual Model in the Drug Dependencies and
    Other Contagious Ills(Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1970), 30, 37–38, 43, 80; J.S.
    Blackwell, “Drifting, Controlling and Overcoming: Opiate Users Who Avoid Becoming
    Chronically Dependent,”Journal of Drug Issues13 (1983): 219–35; P.G. Bourne, “Issues
    in Addiction,” in P.G. Bourne, ed.,Addiction(New York: Academic Press, 1974), 11;
    J.M. Boyle and A.F. Brunswick, “What Happened in Harlem? Analysis of a Decline in
    Heroin Use Among a Generation Unit of Urban Black Youth,”Journal of Drug Issues
    10 (1980): 109; E.M. Brecher, and the Editors of Consumer Reports,Licit and Illicit Drugs:
    The Consumers Union Report on Narcotics, Stimulants, Depressants, Inhalants, Hallucino-
    gens, and Marijuana—Including Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol(Boston: Little, Brown and
    Company, 1972), 39; Chein et al.,Road, 6, 14, 22–23, 159, 364; I. Chein and E. Rosenfeld,
    “Juvenile Narcotics Use,”Law and Contemporary Problems22 (1957): 54; Childress, “Ex-
    tinction of Conditioned Responses in Abstinent Cocaine or Opioid Users,” in L.S. Har-
    ris, ed.,Problems of Drug Dependence, 1986: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Scientific
    Meeting, The Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. (National Institute on Drug
    Abuse, Research Monograph Series, No. 76, 1987) [SuDocs HE20.8216/5:986], 189–95;
    Cuskey and Edington, “Drug Abuse as Self-Destructive Behavior,” in A.R. Roberts, ed.
    and comp.,Self-Destructive Behavior(Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1975), 138–39;
    Duster,Legislation, 209–11; Falk, “The Place of Adjunctive Behavior in Drug Abuse
    Research,” in T. Thompson and C.E. Johanson, eds.,Behavioral Pharmacology of Human
    Drug Dependence(National Institute on Drug Abuse, Research Monograph no. 37, 1981)
    [SuDocs HE20.8216:37], 276; D.B. Graeven and K.A. Graeven, “Treated and Untreated
    Addicts: Factors Associated with Participation in Treatment and Cessation of Heroin
    Use,”Journal of Drug Issues13 (1983): 207–18; R.E. Hinson and S. Siegel, “Nonphar-
    macological Bases of Drug Tolerance and Dependence,”Journal of Psychosomatic Re-
    search26 (1982): 496–502; L.G. Hunt and C.D. Chambers,The Heroin Epidemics: A Study
    of Heroin Use in the United States 1965–75, Sociomedical Science Series (New York: Spec-
    trum Publications, 1976), 117; R. Jacobson and N.E. Zinberg,The Social Basis of Drug
    Abuse Prevention, Special Studies Series, no. 5 (Washington, DC: The Drug Abuse Coun-
    cil, 1975), 8, 14–15, 48, 50, 53, 60; B.D. Johnson, et al.,Taking Care of Business: The
    Economics of Crime by Heroin Abusers(Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1985),
    2; H.F. Judson,Heroin Addiction in Britain: What Americans Can Learn from the English
    Experience(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973), 78, 80, 143–44; Kandel, “Con-
    vergences in Prospective Longitudinal Surveys of Drug Use in Normal Populations,”
    in Kandel,Longitudinal, 15–16; Kaplan,Hardest, 10, 33–34, 36–38, 43–46; King,Drug,
    234, 261; Kolb,Drug, 83–84, 127; I.D. Leader-Elliott, “Heroin in Australia: The Costs
    and Consequences of Prohibition,”Journal of Drug Issues16 (1986): 136; D.B. Louria,
    Overcoming Drugs: A Program for Action(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company,
    1971), 84; E.A. Nadelmann, “Drug Prohibition in the United States: Costs, Conse-
    quences, and Alternatives,”Science245 (1989): 944; Peele,Love, 19, 59–60, 64–65, 67, 87;
    Platt and Labate,Heroin, 102, 107, 159–61, 193; D.H. Powell, “A Pilot Study of
    Occasional Heroin Users,”Archives of General Psychiatry28 (1973): 586–94; V.H. Raveis
    and D.B. Kandel, “Changes in Drug Behavior from the Middle to the Late Twenties:

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