The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

200 Hydrocodone

Drug interactions.Tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhib-
itors (MAOIs, found in some antidepressants and other medication) may boost
hydrocodone effects, and vice versa. When taken with other narcotics, hydro-
codone may boost their actions. Taking the substance with anticholinergics,
which are drugs affecting the parasympathetic nervous system that controls
much of the abdomen, can cause intestinal blockage.
Cancer.Hydrocodone’s potential for causing cancer is unknown.
Pregnancy.Hydrocodone’s potential for causing birth defects is unknown,
although malformations occurred when pregnant rabbits received hydroco-
done bitartrate along with the pain reliever ibuprofen at doses strong enough
to be poisonous. Malformations did not occur when the same combination
was given at poisonous levels to rats. Hydrocodone by itself produced birth
defects in hamsters at 700 times the normal human dose. A study of human
pregnancy outcomes found no indication that hydrocodone causes birth de-
fects or miscarriage, but nonetheless the drug should be avoided during preg-
nancy unless the woman’s condition unquestionably requires treatment by the
substance. Infants born to women who have been using hydrocodone can have
dependence with the drug. Whether hydrocodone passes into a nursing
mother’s milk is unknown.
Additional scientific information may be found in:

Friedman, R.A., et al. “Profound Hearing Loss Associated with Hydrocodone/Aceta-
minophen Abuse.”American Journal of Otology21 (2000): 188–91.
Hopkinson, J.H. “Hydrocodone—A Unique Challenge for an Established Drug: Com-
parison of Repeated Oral Doses of Hydrocodone (10 Mg) and Codeine (60 Mg)
in the Treatment of Postpartum Pain.”Current Therapeutic Research: Clinical and
Experimental24 (1978): 503–16.
Schick, B., et al. “Preliminary Analysis of First Trimester Exposure to Oxycodone and
Hydrocodone.”Reproductive Toxicology10 (1996): 162.
Vandam, L.D. “Drug Therapy: Analgetic Drugs—The Mild Analgetics.”New England
Journal of Medicine286 (1972): 20–23.
Vivian, D. “Three Deaths Due to Hydrocodone in a Resin-Complex Cough Medicine.”
Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy13 (1979): 445–46.
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