Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:50-37-3
Formal Names:Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
Informal Names:A, Acid, Acido, Angel Tears, Animal, Backbreaker (combined
with strychnine), Barrel, Battery Acid, Beast, Beavis & Butthead, Big D, Bird-
head, Black Acid, Black Star, Black Sunshine, Black Tab, Blotter, Blotter Acid,
Blotter Cube, Blue Acid, Blue Barrel, Blue Chair, Blue Cheer, Blue Heaven, Blue
Microdot, Blue Mist, Blue Moon, Blue Vial, Boomer, Brown Bombers, Brown
Dots, California Sunshine, Cap, Chief, Chocolate Chips, Cid, Coffee, Conductor,
Contact Lens, Crackers, Crystal Tea, Cubes, Cupcakes, D, Deeda, Delysid,
Domes, Doses, Dots, Double Dome, Electric Kool Aid, Ellis Day, Elvis, Felix the
Cat, Fields, Flash, Flat Blues, Ghost, God’s Flesh, Golden Dragon, Goofy, Grape
Parfait, Green Double Domes, Green Single Dome, Green Wedge, Grey Shields,
Hats, Hawaiian Sunshine, Hawk, Haze, Head Light, Heavenly Blue, Instant Zen,
L, Lason Sa Daga, LBJ, Leary’s, Lens, Lime Acid, Little Smoke, Live Spit and Die,
Logor, Loony Toons, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Mellow Yellow, Mickey,
Microdot, Mighty Quinn, Mind Detergent, One Way, Optical Illusion, Orange
Barrel, Orange Cube, Orange Haze, Orange Micro, Orange Wedge, Owsley,
Owsley’s Acid, Pane, Paper Acid, Peace, Peace Tablet, Pearly Gates, Pellet,
Pink Blotter, Pink Panther, Pink Robot, Pink Wedge, Pink Witch, Potato, Pure
Love, Purple Barrel, Purple Flat, Purple Haze, Purple Heart, Purple Ozoline,
Rainbow, Recycle, Red Lips, Royal Blue, Russian Sickle, Sacrament, Sandoz,
Smear, Snowman, Squirrel, Strawberry, Strawberry Fields, Sugar, Sugar Cubes,
Sugar Lumps, Sunshine, Superman, Tab, Tail Light, Ticket, Trip, 25, Valley
Dolls, Vodka Acid, Wedding Bells, Wedge, White Dust, White Lightning, White
Owsley, Window Glass, Window Pane, Yellow, Yellow Dimples, Yellow Sun-
shine, Ying Yang, Zen, Zig Zag Man
Type:Hallucinogen.Seepage 25
Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule I (DEA no. 7315)
USA Availability:Illegal to possess
Pregnancy Category:None
Uses.When LSD was invented in Switzerland during 1938 no one realized
that this chemical was a hallucinogen even though it was known to be related
toergot. Its inventor Albert Hofmann wanted to make a stimulant to help