The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:537-46-2

Formal Names:Anadrex, Desoxyn, Norodin, Pervertin, Stimulex

Informal Names:Bambita, Bathtub Crank, Batu, Blue Meth, Boo, Bump, Chalk,
Chicken Feed, Crank, Crink, Cris, Cristina, Cristy, Croak, Crossles, Crypto, Crys-
tal, Crystal Meth, Desocsins, Desogtion, Geep, Glass, Go-Fast, Granulated Or-
ange, Hanyak, Hironpon, Hiropon, Hot Ice, Ice, Jet Fuel, Kaksonjae, L.A. Glass,
L.A. Ice, Lemon Drop, Load of Laundry, Maui-Wowie, Meth, Methlies Quik,
Mexican Crack, Motorcycle Crack, Nazi Vitamins, Peanut Butter, Quartz Smok-
able, Quill Cocaine, Red Devils, Redneck Cocaine, Schmiz, Scootie, Shabu Ice,
Sketch, Smoke, Soap Dope, Sparkle, Speed, Spoosh, Stove Top, Super Ice, Tick
Tick, Trash, Twisters, Water, Wet, White Cross, Working Man’s Cocaine, Yellow
Bam, Yellow Powder

Type:Stimulant (amphetamine class).Seepage 12

Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule II (DEA no. 1105)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:C

Uses.Methamphetamine was first manufactured in 1919. This stimulant of
the central and sympathetic nervous systems is comparable todextroamphet-
amine. Psychic effects are the same as for any amphetamine class drug.
Methamphetamine is used to treat narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), and adult obesity. Typically the drug is not recommended
for juvenile obesity. Although patients lose more weight than if they use a
placebo, the difference is only a few ounces per week. Researchers do not
know how the drug promotes weight loss. Scientists are even unsure if the
drug is responsible or if diet, coaching, attitude, and other factors explain the
difference. In general, the longer patients take the drug, the lower their rate
of weight loss. Standard practice is to stop the drug when weight benefits
decline, rather than increase dosage.
To achieve top performance during World War II, pilots of the German
Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force used methamphetamine. In 1953
Hermann Buhl was the first person to climb the mountain Nanga Parbat in
the Himalayas, and during that feat he used methamphetamine tablets. Some
observers wonder if that pharmaceutical aid was crucial. A person who

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