Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:59467-70-8. (Hydrochloride form
59467-96-8; maleate form 59467-94-6)
Formal Names:Dormicum, Hypnovel, Versed
Type:Depressant (benzodiazepine class).Seepage 21
Federal Schedule Listing:Schedule IV (DEA no. 2884)
USA Availability:Prescription
Pregnancy Category:D
Uses.This quick-acting drug’s common medical uses are to reduce anxiety,
calm people, and help them sleep. Naturalists use the substance to knock out
wildlife ranging from foxes to aardvarks. Effects do not last a long time, typ-
ically making the substance a good choice for weakened persons or animals
who would be strained by a longer-acting drug. For example, weary moun-
taineers climbing Mt. Everest have used the drug to improve quality of sleep.
One study found the drug could help workers who must alter their sleep
schedules for reporting to different work shifts. Experiments show the drug
having potential for treating muscle spasms. Midazolam has been used suc-
cessfully to alleviate status epilepticus, in which people have continual sei-
zures, and to control seizures caused by high fevers in children. The U.S.
Army has tested midazolam experimentally, but with limited success, to coun-
teract seizures and other poisonous effects from the chemical warfare sub-
stance soman. A case report about treating a cobra snake bite victim notes
that midazolam worked when another drug faltered. Midazolam reduces
blood pressure. The compound is routinely given to people before surgical,
dental, or uncomfortable medical procedures and is used to relieve pain in
afflictions and after surgery. Midazolam can produce amnesia about events
that occurred while under the drug’s influence and may be able to interfere
with remembering things that occurred shortly before the drug was received.
That amnesia action can be beneficial in reducing stress from medical treat-
ments but might also be used by unscrupulous persons wanting to exploit
Drawbacks.When injected intravenously the drug can be so hazardous that
in some instances a resuscitation specialist must be on hand with the exclusive
duty of monitoring the patient’s condition at all times. Without that precaution