The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

36 AET

Huang, X.M., M.P. Johnson, and D.E. Nichols. “Reduction in Brain Serotonin Markers
by Alpha-Ethyltryptamine (Monase).”European Journal of Pharmacology 200
(1991): 187–90.
Krebs, K.M., and M.A. Geyer. “Behavioral Characterization of Alpha-Ethyltryptamine,
a Tryptamine Derivative with MDMA-Like Properties in Rats.”Psychopharma-
cology(Berlin) 113 (1993): 284–87.
Morano, R.A., et al. “Fatal Intoxication Involving Etryptamine.”Journal of Forensic Sci-
ences38 (1993): 721–25.
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