The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1



Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:156-08-1

Formal Names:Didrex, Inapetyl

Type:Stimulant (anorectic class).Seepage 15

Federal Schedule Listing:III (DEA no. 1228)

USA Availability:Prescription

Pregnancy Category:X

Uses.This amphetamine was created in a laboratory in 1953 and is used as
an appetite suppressant. Its qualities are similar todextroamphetamine, al-
though users perceive benzphetamine as the weaker of the two in various
aspects and—with one notable exception—do not particularly find benzphet-
amine to be a substitute for dextroamphetamine. The exception is that some
persons wanting to boost alertness use benzphetamine in order to avoid the
jumpiness caused by dextroamphetamine.
Experiments with rhesus monkeys show dextroamphetamine to be about 14
times stronger than benzphetamine when used as an appetite depressant; in
dogs the difference is 5 times. Difference in potency also varies depending on
the effect being measured (locomotion, blood pressure). In terms of end result,
studies have been inconclusive when comparing benzphetamine,phenmetra-
zine, and dextroamphetamine. One experiment found benzphetamine supe-
rior to dextroamphetamine in weight reduction. In that same study
benzphetamine maintained appetite reduction longer than other drugs did,
but benzphetamine users in another comparison test detected no change in
their feelings of hunger. The drug has little effect on levels of blood pressure
or blood sugar, which some scientists see as positive factors for hypertensive
or diabetic patients.
Benzphetamine is known to cause euphoria, yet that response apparently is
uncommon. Volunteers taking the substance in an experiment acted more
friendly but not euphoric, although they did feel more energetic. In another
study the psychological state of users remained the same as with persons
taking a placebo. In contrast to results from animal experiments, electroen-
cephalograms (brain wave readings) taken from humans fail to show brain
stimulation by benzphetamine.
Drawbacks.Users occasionally report wooziness, eyesight difficulty, and

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