The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

70 Butane

destroyed her ability to breathe. Medical caregivers emphasize the importance
of victims honestly describing circumstances of a butane injury so that their
lung condition will be properly examined in detail. Caregivers also emphasize
that a person who experiences seemingly minor burns in a butane explosion
should always seek immediate medical examination of the lungs, because
breathing distress may not occur until several days later, when successful
treatment is less likely.
Butane is suspected of causing liver damage and is suspected of making
users ill-tempered.
Some recreational butane sniffers use sources also containing other ingre-
dients. Those other substances can be harmful as well. For example, a case
report notes problems encountered by someone who inhaled spray from oven
cleaner that contained butane. Butane spray from aerosol cans and other pres-
surized containers can be cold enough to cause frostbite. Cases have been seen
of skin burns from the severe cold, also frostbite damage to the throat, lungs,
and esophagus. Associated inflammation of stomach lining is also known. The
instant severe cold can affect the vagus nerve, which influences voice qual-
ity and affects heartbeat; such impact on the vagus nerve can produce heart
A case report notes a habitual practitioner of the fire breathing stunt who
developed stomach inflammation and a bleeding esophagus from irritation
caused by repeated exposure to butane. Another case report tells of severe
lung damage caused by exposure to unignited fumes. Judging from the ex-
pected progress of such disease and from autopsy findings, such lung damage
can be fatal. Because butane is heavier than air, it can flow into the lungs even
if a person is trying to hold butane in the mouth without inhaling. One fire
breather routinely swallowed some of the butane, numbing the rear of the
Abuse factors.Authorities have described butane’s effects as weaker and
having less addictive appeal than those oftoluene. Tolerance and dependence
are reported. Withdrawal may involve several days of nausea, perspiration,
crankiness, troubled sleep, abdominal cramps, and general shakiness.
Drug interactions.Not enough scientific information to report.
Cancer.Potential for causing cancer is unknown.
Pregnancy.Potential for causing birth defects is unknown.
Additional scientific information may be found in:

Evans, A.C., and D. Raistrick. “Patterns of Use and Related Harm with Toluene-Based
Adhesives and Butane Gas.”British Journal of Psychiatry150 (1987): 773–76.
Evans, A.C., and D. Raistrick. “Phenomenology of Intoxication with Toluene-Based
Adhesives and Butane Gas.”British Journal of Psychiatry150 (1987): 769–73.
Gomibuchi, K., T. Gomibuchi, and H. Kurita. “Treatment and 9-Year Outcome of
Butane-Induced Psychotic Disorder in a Butane-Dependent Japanese Male Ad-
olescent.”Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences55 (2001): 163.
Gray, M.Y., and J.H. Lazarus. “Butane Inhalation and Hemiparesis.”Journal of Toxicol-
ogy: Clinical Toxicology31 (1993): 483–85. Hemiparesis is paralysis on one side
of a person’s body.
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