The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

78 Caffeine

Golding, J. “Reproduction and Caffeine Consumption—A Literature Review.”Early
Human Development43 (1995): 1–14.
Marsden, G., and J. Leach. “Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine on Maritime Navigational
Skills.”Ergonomics43 (2000): 17–26.
Nurminen, M.-L., et al. “Coffee, Caffeine and Blood Pressure: A Critical Review.”Eu-
ropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition53 (1999): 831–39.
Reyner, L.A., and J.A. Horne. “Early Morning Driver Sleepiness: Effectiveness of 200
Mg Caffeine.”Psychophysiology37 (2000): 251–56.
Smit, H.J., and P.J. Rogers. “Effects of Low Doses of Caffeine on Cognitive Performance,
Mood and Thirst in Low and Higher Caffeine Consumers.”Psychopharmacology
(Berlin) 152 (2000): 167–73.
Tanda, G., and S.R. Goldberg. “Alteration of the Behavioral Effects of Nicotine by
Chronic Caffeine Exposure.”Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior66 (2000):
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