2 The Encyclopedia of Addictive Drugs
as stimulants, with further grouping by classes of stimulants (amphetamine,
anorectic, cocaine, pyridine alkaloid). Such an arranging of drugs puts them
in a broader context of information. A chemist knows that a certain element
has particular characteristics because of its place in the periodic table, and a
biologist knows that a certain organism will have particular characteristics
because of its species classification. A reader of this book can automatically
glean information about an individual substance because of the way it is clas-
sified. For example, everything said in this book about stimulants applies to
the class of stimulants known as amphetamines; everything said about am-
phetamines applies to the particular drugmethamphetamine. (Substances
printed inboldhave main entries in this book’s alphabetical section.) A reader
familiar with basics about stimulants and who only needs a few specifics about
methamphetamine can quickly find those details. A reader who needs to un-
derstand more about the general nature of stimulants can find that back-
ground information as well. Persons desiring to go deeper than the summaries
of scientific information in alphabetical entries can consult reliable sources
listed at the end of each entry. Many of those sources list still more references.
This book concludes with a guide to finding general information about
drugs. Here readers are directed not only to ostensibly neutral sources of
information but also to sources taking explicit and differing stances on various
aspects of drug use.
The index lists street names and other alternate names (used in various
communities at various times), giving page numbers where information can
be found about those drugs.
Descriptions of individual drugs in the alphabetical section of this book
present the scientific consensus about those substances, based mainly upon
reports from refereed science journals. A refereed journal is one that does not
merely accept an author’s word but instead has the articles critiqued and
approved by assorted experts prior to publication. Articles in such journals
are fundamental sources of scientific information. Although findings reported
in this book come from scientific investigations around the world, not every-
one agrees with what scientists discover about drugs. Sometimes scientists
themselves disagree with one another. The history of science is filled with
detection of errors, and future research will no doubt provide new under-
standings of these drugs. This book, however, presents scientific consensus
concerning these drugs as the twenty-first century begins.
Drug abuse is an emotionally charged topic involving more than facts about
pharmaceuticals. Personal and moral values are involved, as are fears that
sometimes transform into anger. The author of this book has studied drug
abuse questions since the 1980s; visited with prosecutors, judges, and health
care givers, along with drug abusers and their families; drafted drug control
legislation introduced by Republican and Democratic legislators; testified be-
fore legislative committees; and given public presentations. In all settings, facts
have rapidly disappeared in discussion of the topic.
For most of the twentieth century, addiction was considered a physical ef-