The Science of Spice

(chientran) #1

210 World of Spice Further Recipes

The following recipes for classic dishes from

around the world are as delicious as they are

authentic; each features one of the traditional

spice blends or sauces from the World of Spice

chapter (pp18–77).



Makes 12
Prep time 20 mins, plus 20–30 mins soaking

Cooking time 8–10 mins

50g (1¾oz) bulgur wheat
50g (1¾oz) apricots, roughly chopped
500g (1lb 2oz) lamb mince
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp pine nuts
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint, plus extra leaves to serve
3 tbsp baharat spice (see p23)
salt, to taste
flatbreads, red onion, tomatoes, and plain yogurt, to serve

1 Put the bulgur and apricots into a small pan.
Pour over 100ml (3½fl oz) boiling water, cover,
and set aside for 20–30 minutes, until all the
liquid is absorbed.

2 Put all the remaining ingredients together in
a bowl with 1 tbsp of baharat spice and a pinch
of salt, and mix together with a fork. Add the
bulgur and apricots, and knead the mixture
until it forms a paste and holds together well.

3 Divide the lamb mixture into 12 portions and
roll each portion into a ball.

4 Sprinkle the remaining 2 tbsp of baharat
spice onto a plate, then roll each ball to coat it
evenly with the spice.

5 Thread a skewer through the centre of each
ball, and squeeze the ball into a sausage shape
about 8–10cm (3–4in) long around the skewer.

6 Preheat a grill or a griddle pan to a medium–
high heat. Cook for 8–10 minutes, turning
until crisp and evenly browned on the outside
and cooked through in the centre. Cook in
batches if necessary.

7 Serve with flatbreads, topped with sliced red
onion, diced tomatoes, fresh mint leaves, and a
dollop of yoghurt.

Serves 6
Prep time 15 mins, plus up to 1 hour infusing

Cooking time 45–50 mins

150g (5½oz) short-grain pudding rice, washed
600ml (1 pint) full-fat milk
300ml (10fl oz) double cream
2 tbsp runny honey
strip of zest from 1 orange
2 tsp orange flower water
1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out
pinch of saffron strands, ground to a powder
1 tbsp advieh spice mix, plus extra to serve (see p27)
6 Medjool dates, pitted and roughly chopped
1 tbsp pistachio kernels, cut into slivers
1 tbsp dried rose petals

1 Preheat the oven to 160 ̊C (325 ̊F/Gas 3).

2 Divide the rice between six 200ml (7fl oz)

3 Combine the milk, cream, honey, orange zest,
orange flower water, vanilla pod and seeds, and
ground saffron in a large, heavy-based saucepan.
Set over a medium heat, stirring until the
honey dissolves and the saffron turns the milk
pale yellow.

4 Heat to just below boiling point, then turn off
the heat and allow to infuse for at least 10
minutes, or up to 1 hour.

5 Strain the milk, discarding the zest and
vanilla pod, and divide between the six
ramekins, pouring it over the rice. Sprinkle the
advieh spice mix over the surface of each pot.

6 Cook for 45–50 minutes or until the rice is
completely soft and the spice has formed a thin
brown skin on top.

7 Remove the pots from the oven and allow to
cool a little.

8 Top each pudding with chopped dates,
pistachios, and a scatter of dried rose petals.
Sprinkle over a little more of the advieh and
serve warm or cold.

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