The Science of Spice

(chientran) #1

220 Index

Asian larb salad with curried duck
and khao kua 140
Burmese garam masala 48
chana masala with sweet potato and
spinach 211
garlic 25, 63, 172–73
Georgia 71, 77, 126
Gerard, John 160
Ghana 130, 162, 180
ginger 10, 15, 55, 188–89
advieh 27
chaat masala 42
chicken and aubergine biryani with
seven-spice 104
chilli black bean sauce 61
Durban beef bunny chow 211
Durban curry masala 37
Finnish gingerbread spice 72
flavour compounds 189, 215, 217
Goan vindaloo 212
Jamaican jerk rub 64
leche de tigre 69
Nanjing salted duck 212
niter kibbeh 32
quatre épices 74
sweet and spicy apple pastry
rosettes 182
yaji 36
Goan vindaloo 212
gochugaru: yangnyeomjang 56
grains of paradise 30, 35, 180–81
flavour compounds 15, 181, 215,
mbongo mix 35
sweet and spicy apple pastry
rosettes 182
grains of Selim 14, 30, 130–31
flavour compounds 12, 131, 214,
yaji 36
granita: date and tamarind granita
with caramelized pineapple 156
Great Britain 70, 73
mace 73, 106
nutmeg 73, 102
rose 120
saffron 73, 194
turmeric 204
Greece 71, 77
asafoetida 174
bay 136
cardamom 134
carob 158
celery seed 202
coriander 122
cumin 126
dill 110
fennel 94
galangal 138
ginger 188
liquorice 96
mastic 116
mustard 178
nigella 128
saffron 194
Grenada 102, 106
guajillo chillies 192
Guatemala 86, 134
gunpowder 45


habanero chillies 193
Hanshan 186
harissa 31, 33, 109
black lime harissa 112
hazelnuts: dukkah 28
hemp seeds: shichimi-togarashi 57
hibiscus flowers 24
Hildegard of Bingen 138
Himalayan belt 39, 41 , 178
Hinduism 148, 204
Hungary 71, 77, 108, 164


ice cream, black sesame, liquorice,
and cardamom 170
ajwain 42, 200
amchoor 42, 148
anardana 150
anise 88
annatto 114
asafoetida 174
black pepper 184
cardamom 39, 134
celery seed 202
Central India 39, 42
cloves 84
coriander 122
cumin 126
curry leaves 44, 176
dill 110
East India 39, 42–43
fennel 94
fenugreek 44, 206
galangal 138
garlic 172
ginger 188
lemongrass 146
liquorice 96
mustard 178
North India 39, 40–41
poppy seeds 198
rose 120
saffron 194
sesame 44, 168
South India 39, 45
star anise 45, 90
tamarind 154
turmeric 204
vanilla 100, 101
West India 39, 44–45
Indonesia 47, 52
amchoor 148
black pepper 46, 184
cacao 162
chillies 190
cinnamon 80
cloves 84
galangal 138
lemongrass 146
nutmeg 102
turmeric 204
vanilla 100
Iran 26–27
ajwain 200
asafoetida 174

barberries 21, 160
cumin 126
dried limes 142
mahleb 98
poppy seeds 198
rose 120
saffron 21, 26, 27, 194
sumac 152
Iraq 26
dried limes 142
fenugreek 206
pomegranates 21
poppy seeds 198
Israel 21, 24–25, 142
Italy 71, 76–77
carob 158
celery seed 202
juniper 118
liquorice 76, 96


jalapeño chillies 192
Jamaica 63, 86, 188
Jamaican jerk rub 64
Japan 55, 57
anise 88
fennel 94
juniper 118
star anise 57, 90
Java 47, 138
John the Baptist, St 158
juniper 14, 71, 118–19
flavour compounds 12, 119, 214,


kala namak: chaat masala 42
Kashmir 174, 194
kashmiri chillies 192
khao kua 49
Asian larb salad with curried duck
and khao kua 140
khmeli-suneli 77
kokum 45
König, Johann Gerhard 176
korarima 31
niter kibbeh 32
kuli-kuli: yaji 36


lamb kofte 210
Laos 46, 48–49
lemongrass 146
star anise 90
larb: Asian larb salad with curried
duck and khao kua 140
Lebanon 25
leche de tigre 69
lemon myrtle 14, 144–45
flavour compounds 12, 145, 215,
lemongrass 10, 14, 47, 146–47
flavour compounds 12, 147, 215,
khao kua 49
Lepcha community 132

black limes 21
black lime harissa 112
dried lime 14, 142–43, 215, 217
khao kua 49
makrut lime 46
linalool 12, 17
liquorice 10, 14, 55, 96–97
black sesame, liquorice, and
cardamom ice cream 170
flavour compounds 97, 214, 216
Nanjing spice bag 59
Shandong spice bag 58
lotus seeds 58


mace 14, 106–107
flavour compounds 12, 107, 214,
garam masala 40
cloves 32, 84
tamarind 154
vanilla 31, 100, 101
The Maghreb 30–31, 32–33
mahleb 14, 98–99
flavour compounds 99, 214, 216
makrut lime 46
khao kua 49
Malaysia 46–47, 51
black pepper 184
curry leaves 176
lemon myrtle 144
lemongrass 146
Malaysian fish curry paste 51
turmeric 204
Maluku (Moluccas) Islands 47, 84,
102, 106
mangoes 148–49
marigold: khmeli-suneli 77
marjoram: khmeli-suneli 77
masor tenga fish curry 211
mastic 10, 71, 116–17
flavour compounds 14, 117, 214,
Maya 86, 114, 162
mbongo mix 35
Mexico 63, 64–65
allspice 86
amchoor 148
bay 136
cacao 162
chillies 65, 190, 192–93
cumin 126
ginger 188
vanilla 100, 101
Middle East 20–29
Arabian Peninsula 29
Egypt 20, 28
Iran 21, 26–27
Iraq 26
Israel 21, 24–25
Lebanon 25
Syria 21, 22
Turkey 20, 22–23
Persian rice puddings 210
mole mix 65

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