
(nextflipdebug5) #1

backed off, but our receptors have not yet regrown, we cannot really consider
kundalini as being “brain damaging.” We must see all phases of metamorphosis as
necessary allostatic changes in the transformation of our organism and the human
collective. Once we drop our pathologizing and bring compassion to the whole of
it, we prevent the secondary-backlash chemistry that causes regression and hence
get to keep the gains made through heightened kundalini.
I don’t recommend that anyone pursue the raising of kundalini energy itself.
Instead I recommend detoxification, supernutrition, nerve and body strengthening,
plus self-discovered spiritual practices and soulful adventures. I recommend
following your Muse, developing your creative genius and working on giving your
greatest gift for the widest distribution. If you do these things then an awakening
is very likely to occur. If you don’t do these things then you will not be prepared
for a kundalini awakening and will have no “use for it” and so it will probably not
serve you or anyone else. Therefore I don’t tell people directly how to raise their
kundalini, but encrypted throughout BOK are ways that you can use to aliven the
spirit within.
BOK is for the solutions-orientated original thinker, who cherishes inner
authority and the sense of the living Spirit. The living Spirit is untamed, cannot be
defined, or encased within any book, creed or teaching, nor entombed within any
system, nor encrusted with dogma. Remember this, and you will not be burdened
with the weight of your own belief system. Only the living Spirit itself contains
the “juice,” and the living Spirit is always “new.” Writing this book has been
the most incredible ride...the information arises on a wave of energy and bliss.
When I am hot on the kundalini trail spiritual Presence is heightened, the muse
is tangibly potent and the pieces of the puzzle formulate themselves around the
“pull” of the Holy Spirit. I have attempted in BOK to make what was unconscious,
conscious and what was subrational, rational. The species work we need to do
now is in emotional authenticity, shadow projection and building up the visionary
neurology. These I will go into in more detail in BOK-2.

Future books associated with this work include Raw Weight Loss and
Detoxification, BOK -2 which has more of the alchemy, physics and sociology of
kundalini, Cosmic Influences on the Earthly Realm and Solaris: Vision of a Future

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