
(nextflipdebug5) #1


elliptic and changing direction. However there is no Die-off during prior to the
summer solstice due to a hormonal mix based on growth rather than senescence.
The more thoroughly we Die-off the more refined our intellectual achievement
is the next year—around Easter is my peak of the year for intellect, and again
in July with the maximum prana flow that happens then. If you find yourself
really peaking in energy and psi during July chances are you will have a Die-off in
November especially if it is triggered by a transcendental dream or significant event
in relationship.
The video “The Naked Truth” by Jordan Maxwell and The International
Research and Education Society on google video is exceptional. It shows the mythic
similarity of the world’s main religions and how the elements of the story are based
on sun worship and the suns progression through the zodiac. This is probably
the most healing and informative documentaries out there. They say that when
the traditions talk of a 3 day death/resurrection period, this is actually referring
to when the sun stays 3 days at the same point at the lowest part of the sundial
during winter the belly of the fish of Jonah. It just so happens that
the metamorphic Die-off often constitutes 3 days also. The perennial story goes:
The son of the Sun-God, gave up his blood so that we sinners could be absolved of
our sins so we would no longer feel guilty...then with a free conscience this would
ensure that the sun (light) would indeed rise again tomorrow. Thus we keep the
sun, earth and planets in their orbits by sacrificing the Golden Child.

assisteD Die-oFF

By understanding the Tao of energy we can see that the deeper one goes into
a Die-off, the greater the resurrection. Similarly the more one “allows” the influx
of spirit phase during the heart expansion, the deeper one goes into the Die-off.
If we voluntarily help to wipe the slate clean we naturally ascend to higher levels.
However if we adopt staunch adherence to our existing stage of consciousness we
grow no further. The “secret” to metamorphosis is that we can stimulate the up-
phase by going down first, for the cycles follow each other as sure as night follows
day. Thus the body can be triggered and assisted into catabolic states through the
use of circumstance, conditions and herbs etc... however only if the cycle is ripe
with regards to the natural rhythms of the sun and moon. My theory is that you
can actually prompt an “influx” stage by putting oneself through a constructed
Die-off stage. The idea being that the more our cup is emptied the more that
spirit can enter and transmute us. This might be very useful for people in chronic
depression, or stuck in limbo etc...Instead of always trying to prop themselves up
and get higher, they should instead descend into a “holy resting pupae condition”
and then a natural resurgence of spirit will arise after they have “emptied,” that is
been purged of their former self.
For example time spent in a cave fasting...soaking in mud pools, in some sort
of pressure suit, buried in the sand, or in various forms of sensory deprivation and
stillness conditions could prepare the bodymind for the influx of providing
rest and repolarizing the nervous system. This is what I think the ancients knew
with their various cave-womb type rituals. The Die-off phase was traditionally

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