
(nextflipdebug5) #1

performed in a cave. “Visit the interior of the earth; through purification thou will
find the hidden stone.” Interesting that the Philosophers Stone (White Powder
of Gold/Iridium and Rhodium) is called the “hidden stone,” because monatomic
elements cannot be assayed for they do not form chemical or crystalline bonds
with other elements or even between each other, hence the name monatomic.
I feel that this “Die-off ” phase can be enhanced if undergone in a cave in which
a pool/tub of volcanic hot clay becomes the “bed” in which the 3-5 day Die-off
occurs. Obviously the clay-pool would have to be heated either by natural thermal
means or some other means. The death position of feet crossed and hands crossed
over the chest also facilitates the process. I also think that the ideal Die-off cave
should have a spinal shower. The spinal shower...a 3”wide column of warm water
that you let fall on head/neck/spine while sitting under it in trace state. The spinal
shower is the best form of psycho-somatic healing I have is the number
one nervous system therapy for rebirth and balance.
During my acute phase of heart expansion in 2000, I was called to be outside
walking around all day. This way in being exposed to the ground and the open
sky I felt my Soul/Muse to be more intensely with me, helping and guiding me
through the extreme chemistry. I followed my instinct in this, and perhaps the
ancients followed their instincts in being drawn into caves, as being more than mere
symbols of the womb, during their Die-off periods. It could be that melatonin and
the darkness is a prominent agent in the Die-off process.
Rock, whether it be through electromagnetics, gravitation, proximity to the
resonance of large masses of elements in crystalline bond, conveyance of earth
energy or what...has an effect of “grounding.” Such grounding is necessary for the
Solar Heart to open more fully. I have personal experience of mediating on iron
rich rock in vertical formations...not only did I reach a deeper state of connection
(satori) on the rocks, when I walked away from doing this one day, I had an episode
of such severe grounding, that I could barely walk along the ground. This ultra
grounding is associated with the increase in nitric oxide metabolism during peak-
conscious events and can accompany both the massive heart expansion stage and a
Die-off. Suggesting an extreme parasympathetic overdrive, low blood pressure and
autonomic fatigue.
To facilitate an inner-conjunction and higher revelatory states do hot rock
treatments on yourself in nature. As well as placing hot iron rich rocks on your
body, use one as a head rest as well. It may be that the magnetism in the rock may
influence the electromagnetically sensitive hippocampus and facilitate an inner-
conjunction and visionary chemistry—thereby producing the visionary frequencies
Theta and low Alpha and the chemistry of amrita-living water-DMT.
Being in a cave during the Die-off may facilitate such perfect grounding that
the catabolic cycle is magnified and so the Heart expansion phase may occur with
less friction and with greater ease and intensity. I learnt to lie down with my spine
on the ground during the acute heart expansion for this ease the tension
from the Heart’s extreme need for grounding. And of course to be horizontal
during periods when the blood vessels are blown wide open, and blood pressure is
low means that the brain still gets its adequate share of blood supply.

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