
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Throughout this book the term “kundalini awakening” is used interchangeably
with metamorphosis, spiritual alchemy, spiritual acceleration, the inner marriage,
the sacred marriage, The Passion and even The Great Bliss. The energy of
kundalini could be variously called prana, chi, mana, star-fire. Also around the
world it is referred to as ka, ichor, inua, sila, manetuwak, oloddumare, qi, Tao,
ki, aether, archeus, etheric energy, vital life-essence, vital energy or life force, and
quintessence. Baron Carl von Reichenbach’ called it the odic force (od), Paracelsus

  • archaeus, Wilhelm Reich - orgone, Ken Wilber - Spiritual Eros, Henri Bergson

  • élan vital, Tielhard de Chardin - radial energy and Freud - libido and it is also
    synonymous with Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields.
    Whether it be from a spontaneous awakening, the result of spiritual practice
    (sadhana) or through Shaktipat from a Guru, metamorphosis tends to be such an
    overwhelming cataclysmic process that the more knowledge and tools for the road
    we have the better. Transformation is not comfortable, but it can be paced. To
    surrender to our own evolution, is to strengthen us to endure the all-consuming
    flame of spirit. My aim in writing this book is to help others in facilitating their
    own chemistry through a sustained awakening, rather than have it go wildly
    up and down in raw reactivity. For in my experience after a full-on six month
    kundalini peak it takes about five years to recover, but the more we know about
    the neurological activity of kundalini, the higher the potential spiritual gains and
    the faster the recovery.
    One can see in each of us going through this phenomena, that it is transpersonal,
    archetypal and trans-anthropomorphic. Though in its insidious omnipresence it
    is intensely personal and specific, especially crafted to our own unique needs and
    condition, for it is a consummate perfect storm of the Self. Kundalini works with
    whatever we have built ourselves to be. Whatever our encrustations and blocks,
    the fire in perfect equanimity uses everything good and bad to fuel the flame of
    You can look at kundalini through quantum, subatomic, atomic, molecular,
    cellular, organ, organism, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, mystical, mythic,
    sociological and species evolutionary lens—for it encompasses all of these. Just
    because our reality has a material component however, is not to dismiss the sublime
    beauty and significance of our subjective experience of the Divine. Kundalini is very
    specific and unique chemistry, that uses every facet of our biology, and affects our
    entire being. To me kundalini is a friend, a lover, a guide, a teacher, a taskmaster,
    a spirit and the presence of the Holy Ghost. As I became familiar with kundalini I
    noticed that any genuine insight or creative urge, simultaneous arises on a flux of
    kundalini. Thus I really have to say that kundalini is none other than spirit itself,
    manifesting on every level. In fact any meaningful psychic, relational, mental or
    spiritual event is simultaneous with a flux in kundalini.
    The fire of Transmutation feels like desire, it feels like passion, the ULTIMATE
    passion. So we have to distinguish between life-destructive desires that reduce the
    fire of Transmutation and the GREAT Passion itself. The paradoxes involved with

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