
(nextflipdebug5) #1


WHat to Do WHile DYinG

  1. relax with the collapse—Allow. Melt into the Unified Field. Stop resistance,
    without suppressing symptoms, running away or propping yourself up with
    stimulants. Whatever you do, don’t try to keep going like normal.

  2. set environment—Make yourself comfortable, make a nest, play music, put
    a fan on yourself, etc...

  3. antioxidants—A Die-off is a free radical storm so take mega doses of
    antioxidants for protection: Vitamin C 8gm, Bioflavonoids 6gm, Beta
    Carotene, Vitamin E, Bs and fish oil.

  4. Hydration—Drink around 5 qts of water a day, and take long baths daily to
    rehydrate. The body has a huge demand for water during a Die-off.

  5. Fast—Get someone to juice vegetables for you and drink water, herb tea and
    broth, “do not worry about eating for the duration of a Die-off.” If you are in
    the full on wammy Die-off, your immune system is essentially catabolically
    using the body itself as food and all you can do is hangout in bed or under a
    tree outside. It’s best not to eat while the body is in this catabolic breakdown
    mode, or “digestion will draw energy away from the transmutation of the flesh”
    and your resurrection will not be as complete. You will create toxicity and
    tissue damage if you work against the nature break-down cycle with food -
    which is essential for building flesh.

  6. let go—Giving up is the first stage of really living. Until we give up we have
    been trying to live from the concept of self, instead of Self—that is “my” will
    not “Thine”. It is often the case with human action, that what we bring about
    through our efforts, turns out the very opposite of what we intended, partly
    because of our own internal blockages (ego). The Die-off is the most extreme
    experience of nature stepping in to help us move beyond the known to the
    vast reaches of mystic perception.

  7. Feel Gratitude—It is a really cool relief when the only thing left to us is
    surrender. That is why I love Die-off periods! They are so holy in their
    unassailable consumption of one. At few other times in life, other than
    perhaps death and child bearing, do we get to experience the full nature of
    Necessity. The deeper our surrender to the living-death the more we can be
    reborn anew.

  8. succumb to necessity’s Grace—Since metamorphosis is a dissolving of the
    former self, there are times when the individual will be in total meltdown
    such as in the die-offs. Thus the necessity to surrender into the process.
    Meltdown in this sense is essential, for its what is happening and one can’t
    fight it anyway, for even ones fight-faculties are melting.

  9. empty to receive—Self-dissolution is only “half ” of the equation. Self-
    dissolving is addictive and you can do it for lifetimes for there is great pleasure
    of the blasting of the tower of Babel. However in order to be fully human,
    and responding to the true call of evolution, you need to do the building and
    action...that is the CREATIVE side of the equation as well. The dissolving is
    only there to provide space for the NEW to manifest.

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