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of that which was being repressed from consciousness. Thus in a way identical to
an inner-conjunction, a dark night is an ultimate homecoming. We are in the end
only really lonely for our Self.
The Die-offs/dark nights are a “biochemical process” which secondarily brings
about the dissolution of the operational personality structure for “a period of
time”. The brain is undergoing such a catastrophic neurological meltdown and
renewal, that the ego personality and functionality is temporarily completely non
operational. Depending on ones inner resources at the time and whether one is
essentially imbued with a biological faith or has a tendency to fear, depression and
self-hatred—this will determine whether the incapacitation is navigated positively
or simply adds to the burden of an already difficult life. The psychological-
emotional story one gives to interpret this autogenic “biological” event, is secondary
to the chemistry, and yet is absolutely key to whether one can use the down cycles
to further ones spiritual growth, or simply cause an escalation of our primary
Down cycles are an opportunity to “stop” and experience our depths. The more
we can quit our secondary meaning-making and turn toward our suffering, the
faster it transforms. As the wound of inchoate is filled with the energy of Spirit, the
more Presence we can bring to all our life—the more we learn from our descent
and the faster we rise to the up-side of life again, having gained remarkable new
understanding from our journey into the cave. In an audio on Michael Brown’s
website he said that everything that was wrong with his life was due to the fact that
he was “not here.” In 1987 he developed an acutely painful neurological condition
called Horton’s Syndrome and to deal with the pain of his condition he developed
a method of increasing Presence to overcome pain. His book that describes this
practice is The Presence Process: A healing Journey Into Present Moment Awareness.
He is especially fabulous on audio: A Walk Through the Presence Process.—Michael Brown,

Dark Night of the Soul by Jason Augustus Newcomb.

It is absolutely amazing that the most primitive functions
in the body turn themselves into the service of the highest
biological faculty of transmutation.

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