
(nextflipdebug5) #1


As kundalini moves through the miasmas (repressed, damaged, latent) areas in
the brain, we might feel the emotions connected with each developmental arrest.
The miasmas were created in stress and in stress they are transmuted. For every
up there is a down, so it is understandable that depression might result after the
over-stimulation of the brain’s pleasure centers and increase in endorphins, during
the bliss of kundalini. Depression could also result as the left-brain loses its normal
adaptive function during the first few years of the major cycle. Loss of left-brain
prefrontal lobe function could lead to paranoia, frustration, self-pity and other
negative emotions.
There tends to be a psychological let down when the tide turns down into the
valley as the influx of spirit abates, and consciousness plunges deeply into matter.
This feels like a loss of Grace after the heady heights of the influx, but the valleys
are just as important as the mountain tops in the transformational process. Once
the kundalini storm is kindled eventually the body runs out of neurotransmitters
and their precursors and so the bodymind falls into depression. A normal diet
would not supply adequate nutrients to overcome the deficiency, let alone a SAD
diet. Thus relief from depression would occur after enough time has passed after
the kundalini peak. A more rapid relief from kundalini created depression could
be assured by first making sure one’s diet is well supplied with nerve nutrients,
and by taking supplements during and after the awakening. (See Five Formulas For
With the increase in immune activity, higher metabolism and nerve function
during metamorphosis, one can assume that there is a greater free radical
production. This is probably half the reason why we feel “fried” after the influx.
The other major contributor to the down cycle is that the body’s resources for
making neurotransmitters and hormones becomes exhausted during the peak
activity of the influx stage. Plus all the metabolites that were created in the
firestorm need time to be converted and disposed of. In our cooked, demineralized
bodies this radical swinging of metamorphic cycles is inevitable. With knowledge
of the requirements of the process however, we can build the kind of integrity
and reserves into our bodyminds that will help to facilitate evolution. By avoiding
wasting so much time and energy in the down cycles, our spiritual birth will incur
less abortion and labor.
“There are many undergoing this process who at times feel quite insane. When
they behave well and keep silent they may avoid being called schizophrenic, or being
hospitalized, or sedated. Nevertheless their isolation and sense of separation from others
may cause them such suffering. We must reach such people, their families, and society,
with information to help them recognize their condition as a blessing, not a curse.
Certainly we must no longer subject people, who might be in the midst of this rebirth
process, to drugs or shock therapies, approaches which are at opposite poles to creative
self-development.” P.60, Lee Sannella, M.D. Kundalini, Psychosis or Transcendence?
I think it imperative to not treat kundalini-depression with antidepressants.
Herbs and supplements for depression are generally fine if you know what you are

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