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doing. I don’t generally recommend “pharmaceutical” antidepressants, but would
like to see a more nutritional approach to fixing what is obviously a metabolic
problem that is many generations in the making. I suspect that tranquilizers and
antidepressants will increase repression and prevent necessary tension and the flow
of consciousness-energy that transforms blockages (miasmas). The Guru Rawa
sensed that the nerves of a woman who had taken 6 types of tranquilizers and
antidepressants to be “burned.” If we detoxify, adopt a raw diet and do those
things that open us up to the flow of kundalini, then we establish a solid self of
deep peace, joy and equanimity usually within several years. This sense of coming
home to ourSelf is something that drugs, cooked food, and “therapies” can never
give us. Kundalini restructures us to a higher order, enabling us to live a spiritual
life in the material world. The Die-off ’s in particular should be regarded with awe
and gratitude as very good news. They don’t last long and we do not transform
without them. The old must die for the new to be reborn. So the highs and lows
of the kundalini cycle should be celebrated equally.

“Prescription psychoactive drugs (antidepressants and antipsychotics) can arrest
or completely abort a transformational process. This may sound desirable to those
who are having a hard time of it, but these drugs do not return one to normal;
instead, they tend to freeze the process in its present state. Worse, antidepressants can
trigger psychosis for those in a delicate psychospiritual state, and the neuroleptics
(antipsychotics) can cause tardive dyskinesia, a persistent and in many cases
irreversible pathological syndrome which resembles kriyas! Even so, some people are so
prone to severe depression or debilitating psychosis in the heightened states that they
cannot function without the temporary aid of these drugs.” El Collie,

Instead of suppression and medication I suggest that the initiate get a daily dose of
nature, exercise, water therapy (eg: baths), bodywork, stretching, breathing, toning
and music etc... A long list of coping techniques are listed further on in Kundalini
Skills List. It is imperative that one adopts a diet that does not clog the liver, or
weigh down the digestive system or challenge the immune system. The body already
has more than enough to metabolize from the alchemy of transmutation itself, so
we should be very careful not to overburden it with even more work. Nutritional
supplementation should be given to the nervous system to feed neurotransmitters,
hormones and to balance and soothe the nerves. Adaptogens like ginseng, ashitaba,
neem, gotu kola, olive leaf and ginkgo are probably the most important herbs to
take for achieving a higher homeostasis of the nervous system and recovering from
depression and anhedonia (numbness). I recommend that both women and men
nightly massage their breasts before sleep to help maintain hormone levels and
prevent a slide into depression and numbness. This might even positively affect
growth hormone production.
Rehabilitation of the brain after an awakening takes physical activity and novel
environmental stimulation to encourage dendritic branching, neurotrophic growth
factors and increase plasticity i.e. where remaining cells take over from dead cells
to improve functional recovery. Exercise and movement therapy increases brain
vascularization, birth of new cells and synaptogenesis to establish new connections.

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