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is the most “successful” way of eliminating pain and dis-ease on all levels and to
promote greater communion with Self and God. Fasting itself is still not enough
however, for unless the rawfood component of the diet is increased, the biology is
so agitated that the soul cannot become coherent, and this physical disharmony
shows up as mental and emotional suffering...hence the desire for drugs to “get
out of it.” Drugs, by themselves, will never ever bring that which is incoherent
into the harmonious sympathetic resonance that constitutes the unified, integral,
enlightening human being. See: The Fasting Path, The Way to Spiritual, Physical,
and Emotional Enlightenment, Stephen Harrod Buhner.

nerVe reGeneration

Recovering from depression, exhaustion or damage to the nervous system
involves a multiple pronged nutritional approach. Dr. Robert J. Marshall points
out that nearly all neurodegeneration occurs through excitotoxicity and the
immune systems use of free radicals, leading to inflammation and chronic infection.
Neurodegeneration can escalate when nutritional reserves are inadequate to rapidly
reduce infection, which then results in DNA and nerve damage, as the immune
system generates free radicals as it tries to eliminate infected cells. We are familiar
with the idea of damage to nerves by free radicals, excitotoxicity and inflammation.
But we are not as conversant with the effects of infection (viral/bacterial/fungal/
yeast) on the nerves via the immune response. This will be an area of great interest
to kundalini researchers and those with chronic K-symptoms, such as depression,
anhedonia, pain, fatigue or prolonged exhaustion phase.
Dr. Marshall has developed a neutraceutical protocol for preventing
neurodegeneration that includes 5 steps to health: First balance the pH, Balance
hormones, detoxification of heavy metals etc..., the resolution of inflammation,
infection and autoimmune decline of nerve tissue, and the regeneration of nerves
and bodytotal.
infection: Any phytonutrient that has anti-viral properties is capable of
DNA repair, because viruses hijack the DNA of living cells and reprogram it
to replicate itself. Viral/bacterial overload and autoimmune damage to nervous
system can be reduced with antivirals such as: Echinacea, Pacific Yew, Hyssop,
Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentate), Olive leaf, Licorice, Lomatium, Osha root
(Ligusticum), Astragalus, Elderberry, Huzhang [Polygonum cuspidatum],
Isatis root, Wild barley, Sutherlandia, St. John’s Wort, and the Ayurvedic herb
Soma latha. Also medicinal mushrooms including Coriolus versicolor, Reishi,
Krestin, Cordyceps, Maitake, Ganoderma Lucidum, Shiitake. These antivirals
have a direct antimutagen, anticancer effect through reducing DNA damage, anti-
oxidant, anti-inflammatory, act as an immune stimulants, decreases anxiety and
irritability and elevate mood. elder flower blunts the sharp protrusions on the
crystalline coat of a virus, so that it cannot puncture cell walls.
nerve regrowth: Hericium mushroom extract supports nerve growth and
rejuvenation. Hachijo ahitabe increases production of NGF (nerve growth factor).
L-Carnosine powerful agent for nerve regrowth, extended life by 20% in research.

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