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Nervonic acid found in Purpleblow Maple seed oil, deep sea fish oil and Borage oil
increases myelination and nerve growth.
Dna repair: Aging can be largely attributed to the accumulation of DNA
damage. Damage to DNA mechanisms that synthesize proteins results in faulty
proteins, which accumulate to a level that causes “fatal” damage to cells, tissues and
organs. Colostrum is one of the most powerful, broad-based DNA repair agents;
Naringenin a flavonoid in Grapefruit repairs DNA; Folic acid supplements boost
DNA repair, as does Fulvic acid; selenium is involved in DNA repair. DNA repair
is promoted by all flavonoid rich plants including Moringa Oleifera, Cat’s claw,
Gingko and all colorful fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, legumes, nuts, and teas.
Significantly lower levels of DNA breaks occur on a raw diet with a high ORAC
antioxidant capacity. For a great list of anticancer herbs that aid in DNA repair do
a web search on Sino-Vedic Anticancer Herbs.
For more details on “The 5 Steps to Great Health” or the Marshall Protocol for
Neurodegeneration email: [email protected] Robert J. Marshall, PhD, CCN, of
Round Rock, Texas. Premier Research Labs Also check out his
fabulous web article “The Overlooked Role of Chronic Infection in Neurodegeneration
and Its Reversal Using Nutraceutical Agents.”
More on nerve protection and regrowth in The Exhaustion Phase Protocol on
my website and in BOK-2. The Calm Formula in my Five Formulas section will
help with depression. I am really big on remineralizing-regenerating and building
up the immune system “for” enhancing mood and brain/nerve function. Removing
heavy metals is also very important for lifting mood and feeling-state as well. It
takes a lifestyle change toward greater health, aliveness and reason for living.

Depression-Free for Life: A Physician’s All-Natural, 5 Step Plan,
Gabriel Cousens and Mark Mayell Mind Boosters

A Guide To Natural Supplements That Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood,
by Ray Sahelian.

Natural Highs: Supplements, Nutrition, and Mind-Body Techniques
to Help You Feel Good All the Time by Hyla Cass and Patrick Holford

Healing Anxiety and Depression by Daniel G. Amen PhD

Depression and the Body by Alexander Lowen

Stop Depression Now: SAM-e: The Breakthrough Supplement
that Works as Well as Prescription Drugs by Richard Brown and Carol Colman

Energy Tapping by Fred P. Gallo and Harry Vincenzi. How to rapidly eliminate
anxiety, depression, cravings and more using energy psychology

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