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dissociation. Dissociation is still the separate-self-sense, it is just a lower order of
escape, through not allowing the full embodiment of the Self. This need for the
work of nature to take its transmutational course is why surrender is fundamental
to genuine spiritual growth.
In fact the need for nature to take its course is probably why cathartic
release type therapies like Holotropic Breathing™ sessions and Osho’s dynamic
meditations work so well. The “freeze response” to danger is countermanded such
that accumulated shock is released and the chemistry can be resolved and let go.
These releasing practices, and kriyas in general, allow the psychosomatic noise to
be cleansed from the system permitting normal and supranormal conditions of
consciousness to occur. There is no avoiding the fire. The emotion has to burn in
the fires of purification before illuminative wisdom and unitive balance is achieved.
This process of roasting in the fires of transformation creates the Philosopher’s
Stone of Self. Once the bodymind’s resistance to conveying greater consciousness
is penetrated the nervous system enters a permanent state of higher functioning.
Kundalini’s transformation of the limbic brain means that there is a lessening of
the ability to condition the brain to pain and fear, and a lessening of the pain-body
and armor. The pain-body is still there in potentiality because it would be extremely
dangerous to live without the information of pain. Pain is as essential to the path as
bliss. Kundalini/meditation/yoga/breathing does alter the pain mechanisms in the
body such that we do have more distance from the automatic reactive mode of our
reptilian functions. Or rather, we are no longer a petty tyrant sitting on an errant
horse—rider and horse are now one in primordial impeccability.
The pain-body is composed of our negative and unconscious-shadow material
and magnetically attracts more of its own vibration. So we need to apply conscious
effort toward awakening and alivening in order to transcend the gravimetric pull
of the lower emotional states. When we resonate in these lower frequencies we can
be easily overwhelmed and controlled by others for we have no “distance” from
these dark energies. We can learn not to resonate in response to darkness, but to
see it for what it is—to breathe through it and pass quickly beyond, picking up
speed, energy, power and focus. To do this we need to be aware of the unconscious
programming of the fear, shame, guilt and original sin that we still embody. Thus
if we find ourselves getting stuck over personality issues with others or collective
darkness, we can directly become aware of the work we still need to do to cleanse
our vehicle of life destroying energies.
We suffer when we perceive our experience in a egoic-personal and “downer”
kind of way. Even bliss is suffering unless it is turned toward soul gratification
rather than ego gratification. However without suffering we wouldn’t get the
intuition to turn increasingly toward soul. Pain, wounds and shadow are the key to
our evolutio. For if we address these things that prevent the full flow of light and
faith, we free ourselves from our self constructed cage. The generation of bliss from
having done this work constitutes an evolution beyond the pain-body. The pain
mechanisms are still there however, but our neurology is so lit up in bliss that we
have transcended our pain-body.

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