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more mature “spiritual” condition. As Osho says in Body Mind Balancing: “Man
is unhealthy and pathological because society has crippled him in many ways. You are
not allowed to love totally, you are not allowed to be angry; you are not allowed to be
yourself. A thousand and one limitations are enforced.”
Families and communities that will not allow you to “show” up; where each is
a rote-learned cog in the commercial machine—this is not a society and one is not
a citizen, but a subject. This is the roots of the painbody (armoring) and fascism
that Riechian Charles Konia calls “the emotional plague.” Charles Konia M.D.
has a new book called The Emotional Plaque: The Root of Human Evil. This book
explores the disease of destructive human behavior involving people’s emotional
lives, that can be spread from person to person with all the characteristics of an
infectious disease. Amoring is essentially the absence of Presence.
The pain-body can be seen as an energy field of cellular memory, whose prime
directive is the generation and accumulation of pain and the continuation of
perceptive filters that generate suffering. When disease, dysfunction, imbalance
or lack of peace occurs at any level, you can be sure that the imbalance of the
undigested trauma stays with us, usurping our positive emotional states. The pain-
body represents the sum of the pain of the past that still lives on in our mind and
body and is playing an active role in perpetuating its own existence. But the pain-
body is not so much an “entity” as it is an energetic standing pattern or habitual
dissonant state. Stopping the processing of stress mid cycle means distress becomes
internalized. The accumulated pain comprises of a negative energy field of stagnant
lifeforce that causes cellular dysfunction, toxicity and vulnerability to infection and
disease. The areas of stagnant energy contain unhealthy electromagnetic fields that
literally split and subdivide the body’s energy field into separate compartments with
reduced communication between them. Through the law of emotional resonance
the pain-body attracts more distressing circumstances into our experience. Thus
a defensive or angry stance toward our experience keeps us locked in a standing
pattern of the negative emotions that self-perpetuate the pain-body cycle. This
ongoing generation of emotional toxicity prevents the experience of peace,
connection, cohesion and the coherence of spiritual stabilization. Thus the ego’s
attachment to the painbody must be released for the spiritual life to emerge.
Releasing the negative emotional field involves the felt-sense acknowledgement,
acceptance and allowance of feelings, without reactivity or judgment as to whether
they are “good or bad.” Thus liberation from the pain-body is a type of equanimous
reality therapy—addressing the truth of the accumulation within us of all the
negative experience, resistance and disappointment we have had. Unconsciously,
through the lack of objective understanding and mindfulness, we get used to the
perceptive filters that cause our suffering. It is this unconscious pain-filter that
must be loved to a higher order of frequency, health and unification. Transforming
the stagnant negative energy field that holds our cells captive, by feeling into the
dark void of the wound and filling it with warmth and light. When we fully accept
the reality of now, it passes through us and doesn’t get stuck as karmic residue in
our tissues.

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