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antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antiseizure medicine, diuretics, antihistamines
and high blood pressure drugs. Undoubtedly they will invent a new smorgasbord
of highly destructive drugs to “cure us” of spiritual awakening. Humanity is going
to be at a loss with how to deal with this growing problem of people awakening in
bodies and socioeconomic conditions that do not serve the awakening process.
If we do not awaken to the reality of the situation as a society then many of
the initiates will invariably crash and burn, becoming a burden to themselves and
others. They would have been lifted up by the wave of evolution only to crash
onto the beach and be ground into the sand. Then instead of initiates forming the
leading edge of the developmental wave, we will find them living on the streets as
human refuse to an enlightenment experiment gone terribly wrong. In this way
the evolutionary wave of humanity could be aborted due to lack of understanding,
then the only means of growth left to us then is mental conventional growth and
this is not adequate to save us from ourselves. Without spiritual evolution we are
doomed as a species.
All healing is spiritual healing and just as healing is innate to the organism, so is
enlightenment. The human body is genetically engineered to become enlightened,
however this potential mostly remains latent...a sleeping giant. However, the
more people that pop, the greater the morphogenic propensity for increasing
numbers of people to pop through state resonance. To cope with this contagion
of awakening we are going to have to collectively learn to consciously incarnate
through a POSITIVE APPROACH to kundalini awakening that includes
preparation, protection, practices and higher purpose. Much of what we are
suffering from these days is a combination of nature-deprivation, stress overload,
mineral-nutrient depletion, enzyme insufficiency, heavy metal poisoning, EMF
pollution, parasite infestation and magnetic deficiency syndrome. A kundalini
awakening will quicken and reveal any and all of these causes and conditions.
Thus a successful awakening entails a full spectrum lifestyle change which
addresses all of these types of imbalances. If we fully prepare and protect the body
from the radiation, oxidation, glycation, toxicity, catabolysis and inflammation
associated with kundalini, then we can sustain a perpetual awakening without
depression and burnout or exhaustion phases. And so transform civilization from
within our cells!
Boulder 2006

Consider that the fire that Prometheus stole from the
Gods was actually Kundalini fire, and he gave it to the
people so they could become Gods.

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