
(nextflipdebug5) #1

and problem solving. It is antidepressant and produces optimism and confidence, so
is probably a key factor in ones sexual attractiveness and scoring ability. Dopamine
has a major role in procreation also for it keeps one positive, focused and intent on
the job of sex...thus ensure the continuation of the race. During the heating and
peak phases dopamine is obviously high along with the sex hormones and growth
hormone. It probably factors into both increased psychic and increased creative
genius at this time, not to mention the increased sexual desire.
Suffers from anxiety or depression exhibit increased activity in their
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. In these disorders there is a
proposed link between noradrenaline (NE) and glutamate NMDA receptors. The
NE system has alpha and beta types of adrenergic receptors. There is evidence that
chronically depressed people have dysfunctional and atypical noradrenergic systems,
particularly their alpha 2- and beta-adrenoceptors. It has also been suggested that
noradrenaline (norepinephrine) is crucial in certain cognitive functions associated
with the frontal lobes, particularly the prevention of distractibility by irrelevant
stimuli (ADD/schizophrenia). The alpha 2-receptors of the prefrontal cortex
appear to be of particular importance in this respect. In those who are depressed
the “safety memory” mechanism of the prefrontal lobes might not be working
well chronically overworking the HPA axis/fear response and burning out the
catecholamines, adrenals, cortisol and thyroid, thereby generating depression.
As you will read in the Toxic Mind section (BOK-2) the pilot of the limbic
system is the orbitofrontal system, especially in the right hemisphere. Without
adequate prefrontolimbic control our emotional regulatory system can become
destabilized which in turn interferes with rational thought and thinking,
planning, and problem solving. Without a balanced emotional system and healthy
socioemotional life we are likely to burn out our HPA axis become depressed, put
on weight and head toward contracting some sort degenerative disease. (See the
Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging)

nerVe transmission

Potential energy is stored in separated electrical charges of opposite polarity.
Separation of opposite charges requires energy and uniting of opposite charges
liberates energy for “work.” Voltage is the measure of potential difference generated
by separated charges, and current is the flow of electrical charge from one point
to another.
Insulators like fatty cell membranes have high electrical resistance while
conductors such as membrane channels have low resistance to current flow. A
higher current is achieved by either increasing voltage or decreasing resistance. In
the body, charges are carried on charged particles or ions. Thus separation of charges
in the body means separation of ions. The amount of current that can be produced
depends on the voltage difference across the membrane and the resistance to flow
of ions. The cell membrane is a good insulator and can separate and maintain ions
or electrical charges of different values. The difference of ions inside and outside of
cells is controlled by channels, gates, and transport proteins. Higher concentration

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