
(nextflipdebug5) #1

of Na+ outside than inside and higher [K+] inside than outside, but overall there is
more Na+ outside than K+ inside. This makes the inside of nerve cells negatively
charged and the outside positively charged.
The insulating capacity of the cell membrane allows for the production of
an electrical or chemical concentration difference or gradient from one side of
the membrane to the other. Current in the body is the flow of ions toward their
opposite charge. Cations (+ ions) flow toward a negative charge, and anions (-
ions) flow toward a positive charge. Ions will flow down either their concentration
or electrical gradients. Both types of gradients provide potential energy to power
the movement of ions (charged particles) and thus produce an electrical current.
An electrochemical gradient combines the effects of an electrical difference with a
concentration difference.

ion channels: There are two basic types of ion channels by which ions flow
through cell membranes, leakage channels and gated channels.

  1. Passive Leakage channels (nongated) do not require energy and flow rate and
    directions is determined by electrical or concentration gradient direction and
    size. Leakage channels are more open to K+2 than to Na+. Since the electrical
    and concentration electrochemical gradients go up during kundalini we can
    assume that Leakage channels become more permeable.

  2. Active Gated channels require ATP energy and open and close in response
    to some sort of stimulus such as voltage changes; specific chemical stimulus
    eg: neurotransmitters, ions, or hormones; and mechanical pressure. We can
    also expect gated channels to be more active during kundalini for voltage,
    chemical and mechanical reasons.

synaptic transmission occurs first with an action potential arriving at presynaptic
membrane. A depolarizing phase then opens Na+ and Ca+2 channels and Ca+2
flows into synaptic terminal. The increase of intracellular Ca+2 produces exocytosis
of synaptic vesicles, releasing transmitter into synaptic cleft. Then Ca+2 is removed
from the cell by mitochondrial uptake with a Ca+2 pump. The transmitter then
diffuses across cleft to postsynaptic membrane and binds to membrane receptors.

excitatory neurotransmitters are those that can depolarize or make less negative
the postsynaptic neuron’s membrane, bringing the membrane potential closer
to threshold, (ie: a depolarizing postsynaptic potential.) Although a single
excitatory postsynaptic potential normally does not initiate a nerve impulse, the
postsynaptic neuron does become more excitable (sensitized). Thus it is already
partially depolarized and more likely to reach threshold when the next excitatory
postsynaptic potential occurs.

inhibitory neurotransmitters hyperpolarize the membrane of the postsynaptic
neuron, making the inside more negative and generation of a nerve impulse more
difficult, (ie: inhibitory postsynaptic potential). A hyperpolarizing potential can
decrease the excitability of a resting neuron or counteract the effects of an excitatory
postsynaptic potential.

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