
(nextflipdebug5) #1


synaptic Potentiation sensitization occurs as repeated release of neurotransmitter
makes the postsynaptic cell more sensitive to neurotransmitters producing larger
excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Thus repeated use of a synapse makes it more
efficient thus contributing to conditioning and learning. Synaptic potentiation
may also be produced by back propagating action potentials from the cell body
to the dendrites. Synaptic sensitivity is also increased by NMDA (N-methyl-D-
aspartate) receptors in the postsynaptic membrane that increase Ca+2 entry. Elsewhere
I mentioned that Isao Ito found more of a specific type of NMDA receptor on
the tip of neurons in the right hemisphere of mice and in the left hemisphere these
where on the base of the neurons.

stress resPonse cYcle

Wilhelm Reich observed that life has a four beat bioenergetic formula: tension—

Kundalini occurs in nested cycles that follow the basic stress response pattern
that Hans Selye outlined in the 1950’s. First there is “adaptation” a person
intermittently secretes slightly higher levels of the fight-or-flight hormones in
response to a slightly higher level of stress. Secondly “alarm,” begins when the
stress is constant enough, or great enough, to cause sustained excessive levels of
certain adrenal hormones. Lastly “exhaustion,” sets in as the body’s ability to cope
with the stress becomes depleted. But we now know that rather than the stress-
response hormones and transmitters “running out” during the exhaustion phase.
It is the stress response itself that is damaging, because the body spends so many
resources on stress adaptation that it causes the allostatic economy of the body to
become bankrupt.

During an awakening all the neurotransmitters and hormones move through the
phases of:

1 .adaptation: HEATING—homeostatic balance, strengthening and
preparation. Building of hormonal and neurological resources.

2.alarm: PEAK—similar to immediate threat response; heightened use of
both on/off facilitating an expanded state of being. Adrenalin and histamine

3.exhaustion: BURNOUT—depletion of resources for dealing with metabolites
and free radical damage and production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
As adrenal levels plummet this adrenal exhaustion sometimes accompanies, or
is mistaken for low thyroid. Prolonged release of high cortisol leads to adrenal
exhaustion. Decline in the immune system.

4.recovery: SUBSTANTIATION—repair and building up resources again
once the hypertonality has died down. Growth on a new level reflecting the
psychosomatic “space” that has been created from the Die-off and self-digestion.

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